2009 April School Reform News: Arizona Parents Support Choice

Published April 1, 2009

The April 2009 issue of School Reform News reports on the ongoing battle over school choice options in Arizona, where a state representative is seeking to halve the tuition tax credit while parents are rallying for even more choice. Also in this issue:

* An ambitious statewide universal voucher bill failed to make it through the state Senate in Georgia.

* A new study shows 14 percent of the nation’s best schools come from the charter movement, even though charters represent a much smaller percentage of the nation’s schools.

* A new advocacy group says a corporate tax credit scholarship program would save the state’s taxpayers $25 million over the next five years.

* Several bills have been introduced in Indiana seeking to keep predators out of the state’s classrooms.

* Ohio’s scholarship program enabling students to leave underperforming schools has been retained in the governor’s proposed new budget. He had proposed dumping the program in recent years.