China, India, and other developing nations boycotted United Nations climate talks in Copenhagen Monday, claiming Western nations must commit to deeper cuts in greenhouse gases while allowing developing nations to continue emitting greenhouse gases without significant impediment.
James Taylor is senior policy advisor on the environment for the Heartland Institute, publisher of the 2009 report of the Nongovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Climate Change Reconsidered.” You can quote from this statement or contact James directly.
“China emits more carbon dioxide than any other nation on the planet,” observed Heartland Institute Senior Fellow James M. Taylor. “Moreover, the vast majority of growth in greenhouse gas emissions is occurring in rapidly developing nations such as China and India, while U.S. emissions have been declining.
“Even if western nations were to completely eliminate their carbon dioxide emissions, virtually no difference in the global climate would result so long as China, India, and other rapidly developing nations refuse to restrict their own skyrocketing emissions,” Taylor added.
Responding to assertions that developing nations such as China and India should be exempt from a global carbon dioxide agreement because western nations are responsible for the majority of past carbon dioxide emissions, Taylor said, “Regardless of the source of past emissions, there will be no appreciable change in atmospheric greenhouse gases unless all nations step up to the plate and do their part. If China, India, and other leading emitters insist on being exempt from carbon dioxide restrictions, Copenhagen is merely an exercise in global redistribution of wealth rather than a serious discussion of global climate change.”
James M. Taylor can be reached at (941) 776-5690 and [email protected].