The Rigid Old Normal
Opinion -school-reform-news, Editorial -When the Covid-19 craziness subsides, our calcified zip-code education laws will endure. -
The Future of College
Opinion -school-reform-news, Editorial -COVID-19 has disrupted almost all aspects of life, including higher education. What does the future of higher education hold? -
School Choice Ascending
Opinion -school-reform-news, Editorial -As traditional public schools grapple with the effects of Covid-19, many parents are awakening to school choice. -
Common Core Has Led to ‘Historic’ Drop in Achievement Scores, Study Finds
Opinion -school-reform-news, News -A new study has found the adoption of the Common Core State Standards has led to a 'historic' drop in student achievement scores. -
Idaho Lawmakers Mull Fate of State’s Common Core Standards
Opinion -school-reform-news, News -Idaho lawmakers are considering replacing the Common Core standards with a more rigorous and flexible plan -
Homeschooling Benefits Strike Positive Note During Coronavirus Shutdown
Opinion -school-reform-news, Editorial -Often parents have no idea how public schools are failing their children. Coronavirus is making parents examine the benefits of homeschooling. -
Indiana University-Bloomington Makes SAT/ACT Testing Optional for Admissions
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -IU-Bloomington joined the six other components in the IU System that have also elected to become test optional. -
On-line Lambda School Offers Students Income Share Agreements in lieu of Tuition
Opinion -school-reform-news, budget-tax-news -For-profit schools like Lambda are an important alternative to traditional universities that impose a heavy financial burden on students. -
Report: Minority Students Receive a Better Education in Conservative Cities Than They Do in Progressive Ones
Opinion -school-reform-news, News -A new study finds “conservative” cities do a far better job of educating minority students than “progressive” cities. -
Unions Deploy Teacher Strikes to Stop School Choice
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -Chicago teachers unions expressed their opposition to charter schools in 2019 by demanding the continuation of a moratorium on additional charter schools in the city. -
NC Judge Orders State to Spend $8 Billion More on Education
Opinion -school-reform-news, budget-tax-news, News -North Carolina Superior Court Judge David Lee ordered the state to formulate a plan to increase spending on K-12 education by an estimated $8 billion. -
Report Card: Universities’ Sexual Misconduct Policies Receive Failing Grades
Opinion -school-reform-news -The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) give bad marks for failing to protect students' rights. -
Scholars Call for Limits on Freedom of Speech
Opinion -school-reform-news -Communications conference critiques free speech. -
Education Department Considers Income Share Agreements as Alternative to Student Loans
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -Under the ISA model, the student pays little or no tuition up front, and repays education costs as a percentage of their income. -
U.S. Education Department Denies Nonprofit Status to Grand Canyon University
Opinion -school-reform-news -DOE recognition of GCU as a nonprofit would allow the school to receive federal student aid with few strings attached. -
Coloradans Support Child Safety Accounts, Poll Finds
Opinion -school-reform-news -Most likely voters in Colorado want the government to provide Child Safety Accounts (CSAs), a survey reports. -
Book Review: Exploration of Higher Ed’s ‘Tangled Web’ Makes for Profitable Reading
Opinion -school-reform-news -Editors Todd Zywicki, a law professor at George Mason University, and Neal McCluskey, director of Cato’s Center for Educational Freedom, have compiled contributions from many of the most original thinkers in the higher education reform movement. -
Child Safety Accounts: A State-by-State Analysis
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -Profiles of public school safety in each state are available from The Heartland Institute. -
Arizona Sued for Allegedly Mishandling School Choice Program
Opinion -school-reform-news -The Arizona Department of Education is erecting barriers to keep families out of the program, say parents. -
National School Choice Week Celebrations and Survey Show Voters Support Education Options
Opinion -school-reform-news, News -Support for school choice has increased significantly in the past two years. -
Profile: EdChoice Provides Research and Training to Expand School Choice
Opinion -school-reform-news -Formerly known as the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, EdChoice is the oldest school choice advocacy group in the nation. -
U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Exclusion of Religious Schools from Scholarship Programs
Opinion -school-reform-news -In Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, Kendra Espinoza and other parents are challenging a 2018 ruling by the Montana Supreme Court that the state’s tax credit scholarship program is unconstitutional. -
Replace Common Core with Common Sense. (Yes, It Can Be Done)
Opinion -school-reform-news, Editorial -Florida again leads the way by supporting a wide range of private and public school choices for families, a blossoming of freedom that DeSantis helped bolster as a top priority upon taking office in 2019. -
College Athletes Could Soon Profit from Commercial Deals
Opinion -budget-tax-news, school-reform-news -Gov. Gavin Newsom of California signed a bill allowing college athletes to sign endorsement deals and hire agents.