A new genetic study suggests polar bears arose between 4-5 million years ago and thus survived the more than 50 glacial/interglacial cycles of the Pleistocene… Read More
Regional Climate Models: How Well Do They Work? (7 August 2012)
A new study finds there is still a long, long way to go before they are likely to tell us anything of value. Right now, in fact, they could well be considered to be dangerously misleading… Read More
The Carbon Debts of Land-Use Changes for Biodiesel Production (7 August 2012)
The potential of biofuels to contribute to climate-change mitigation is questioned yet once again… Read More
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Coral Calcification: It Makes a Huge Difference Whether the Coral is Dead or Alive! (7 August 2012)
The difference between calcification rates in going from seawater of pH 8.2 to seawater of pH 7.8 ranged from +30% for coral with no dead areas to -21.5% for coral with 30% dead exposed surface area… Read More
Twelve Hundred Years of Winter Surface Air Temperatures in Svalbard and Northern Norway (7 August 2012)
What do they reveal about the warmth of the Medieval Warm Period at the two locations? The 11-year running-mean peak winter temperature of the Medieval Warm Period was approximately 9°C greater than the end-of-record 11-year running-mean peak winter temperature at Longyearbyen, while it was about 3.3°C warmer at Vardo… Read More
Will Storminess Increase in a Warmer World: Models Can’t Clear the Skies (7 August 2012)
A new paper by Hernandez-Deckers and von Storch investigates the question of increased storminess in a warmer world using a general circulation model. It has generally been assumed that storminess will increase or decrease due to changes primarily in the equator-to-pole temperature differences. Atmospheric stability has largely been a secondary consideration. The new study demonstrates that, in their model, storminess decreases and atmospheric stability was the larger factor… Read More
Rate of Sea Level Rise: Predictions vs. Measurements (8 August 2012)
According to the author of this study, the huge deceleration of sea level rise (SLR) over the last 10 years “is clearly the opposite of what is being predicted by the models,” and that “the SLR’s reduction is even more pronounced during the last 5 years”… Read More
Real Climate Change in a Real Greenhouse: Its Impact on Tomatoes (8 August 2012)
The ingenuity of man proves to be of great value in this real-world demonstration of manmade “climate change” within a greenhouse… Read More
Trees of the Last Ice Age (8 August 2012)
Gasping for the breath of life (CO2), they eked out a sluggardly existence for several thousand years… Read More
Cosmic Rays and Climate Change (8 August 2012)
The study of Ram et al. provides “circumstantial evidence for a sun/climate connection mediated by the terrestrial CRF,” which “may initiate a sufficiently large amplification mechanism that can magnify the influence of the Sun on the Earth’s climate beyond the traditional radiative effects”… Read More