Browse Heartland
Child-Centered School Funding: Key to Education Reform
Opinion -Knotty issues of school finance and school construction, raised by state courts in Arizona and Ohio and plaguing state legislatures nationwide, would be addressed by a “child-centered” approach to education funding that differs dramatically from the -
CO2 Regulation Would Affect One Million Smaller Businesses
Opinion -EPA’s threat to classify carbon dioxide (CO2) as a regulated “pollutant” would generate an enormous bureaucracy and impose legal and economic burdens on at least one million businesses, “the entire heart of the American economy,” according to a study -
Don’t Like the Weather? Don’t Blame it on Global Warming
Opinion -In recent years, advocates of the global warming theory have convinced many Americans that virtually any weather-related calamity is evidence that human-induced global warming is underway. -
Federal Court Rejects EPA Secondhand Smoke Study
Opinion -In one of the most embarrassing setbacks for EPA in recent memory, a federal judge has thrown out the agency’s landmark 1993 risk assessment linking secondhand smoke to cancer. -
Study: EPA Botched Analysis of Great Lakes Initiative
Opinion -Heralded by environmental groups as an example of cost-effective regulation, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes Initiative (GLI) will cost U.S. businesses and taxpayers an astounding $1 million for every $5.00 in benefits it produces. -
The Ups and Downs of Paycheck Protection
Opinion -In 1992, Washington became the first state in the nation to pass a campaign reform initiative, Initiative 134, that required businesses and labor unions to obtain employees' written consent before money was deducted from their paychecks for political -
We Cannot Afford to Wait Any Longer
Opinion -While the clout of most politicians declines after leaving office, just the opposite is happening to former Democratic Congressman Floyd H. Flake. -
Where There’s Fuel, There’s Bound to be Wildfire
Opinion -When Vice President Al Gore claimed there was a 1 in 1,000 chance that the wildfires that ravaged Florida during June and July would have occurred without global warming, he actually overstated the odds. -
White House Releases Economic Analysis on Global Warming
Opinion -The White House has forwarded to Congress a detailed report outlining an Administration analysis that concludes the United States can meet the emissions reductions mandated by the Kyoto climate change treaty at "modest" cost to the economy. -
No. 86 Should EPA Cost-Benefit Analyses Be Conducted by Independent Experts? The GLI as a Case Study
Publication -Policy Studies -Quick Links Policy Study (pdf) In 1995, the Environmental Protection Agency issued its Great Lakes Initiative, increasing the stringency of pollution controls across the Great Lakes basin. -
Earth Day 1998: Coalition Demands that EPA Punish Real Polluters, Not Paperwork Errors
Opinion -At a Washington, DC Earth Day briefing on April 22, a coalition of groups led by the National Center for Policy and CREA (???) called on the federal government to ease the environmental regulatory burden on American citizens and businesses. -
Charter School Notes
Opinion -If a charter school's goal is something vague, like developing good citizens, it will be much more difficult for the school's sponsors to authorize whether a charter should be renewed or not, warns a March 16 report from the University of Minnesota's -
Solid Advances in School Choice Reported
Opinion -Nearly 32 states considered a school choice program of some kind in 1997, and at least 45 governors stated their support for different degrees of school choice or charter schools, according to a new report from The Heritage Foundation. -
Indiana U. Voucher Analysis Labeled “Faulty”
Opinion -Contradicting the findings of an analysis conducted by Indiana University's School of Education, Harvard University researchers conclude from a re-analysis of the data that, in fact, students in Cleveland's choice schools show academic gains in all -
CORA Legislation Advances
Opinion -A bill that would strengthen Capitol Hill’s oversight of federal regulatory agencies by creating a new Congressional office to review the costs and benefits of proposed rules is picking up momentum. H.R. -
EPA Charged With Widespread Abuse of Power
Opinion -In a landmark report released May 12 by the Alexandria, Virginia-based National Wilderness Institute (NWI), EPA is charged with grossly misusing science to achieve political ends; intimidating and harassing its own employees who question agency -
Blowing the Whistle on EPA’s Widespread Abuse
Opinion -Editor's note: The following letter to the editor appeared in the June 10 issue of The Washington Times, and is reprinted here with permission. -
Poison Pill Inactivated
Opinion -With the withdrawal of the California charter school initiative, a "poison pill" that would have closed the award-winning Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter School on June 30 has been deactivated. -
School Reform Lessons from Texas
Opinion -Many lessons about accountability can be drawn from the successes of school districts across Texas, according to Policy Review assistant editor Tyce Palmaffy: Decentralization is critical. -
New California Charter Law Boosts School Choice
Opinion -California's citizen initiative process scored a major victory for school choice on May 7, when Governor Pete Wilson signed into law a bill that dramatically strengthens the state's charter school law, allowing an immediate doubling of the number of -
Founder’s Meeting Highlights Stunning Success of Private Voucher Movement
Opinion -CEO America's Fourth Annual Founder's Meeting was held on April 28-29 in New York City. -
Black Leader Survives Teacher Union Attack
Opinion -The president of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, Ted Kirsch, orchestrated a $150,000 campaign of direct mail and radio advertising against Pennsylvania State Representative Dwight Evans, whose leadership led to the passage of a takeover bill for -
The Mis-education of Secretary Riley
Opinion -U.S. Education Secretary Richard Riley's "White Paper" speech to the National Press Club on September 23, 1997, repeats unsubstantiated criticisms from the teacher unions.