No. 21 Economic Impact Studies: Inaccurate, Misleading, And Unnecessary
Publication -Policy Studies -"It's not what we don't know that hurts. It's what we know that just ain't true. -
No. 20 The Private Video Library: A Bright Beginning, An Uncertain Future
Publication -Policy Studies -The popularity of the video cassette recoder (VCR) has given rise to a new economic phenomenon: the video store. -
No. 16 Tax Climate In Wisonsin: An Analysis Of State and Local Taxes
Publication -Policy Studies -Tax policies in Wisconsin are often the subject of long and frequently acrimonious debates. People disagree as to how high taxes are, who pays them, and what effect they have on economic development in the state. -
No. 15 Corrections and the Private Sector: A Guide for Public Officals
Publication -Policy Studies -Faced with rising prison populations, court-mandated reforms, and voter rejection of bond issues, many government agencies are investigating the potential of private sector corrections services. -
Selective Tax Abatements: Do They Work?
Publication -Policy Studies -Heartland Policy Study No. -
No. 2 Private Sector Participation in Chicago Mass Transit
Publication -Policy Studies -This study explores some of the implications of private transportation firms competing in markets traditionally served only by a government monopoly.