The Effect of New Jersey’s Minimum Wage Increase on Fast-food Employment: a Re-evaluation Using Payroll Records
Publication -Policy Studies -In 1995, University of California-Irvine economics professor David Neumark and Federal Reserve governor William Wascher analyzed payroll records of fast-food restaurants in New Jersey counties and neighboring counties across the state line with -
Hard Choices: Environmentalists and the Forests
Publication -Policy Studies -More than twenty years ago, I was one of a dozen or so activists who founded Greenpeace in the basement of the Unitarian Church in Vancouver. -
No. 56 Entrepreneurial Independent Contractors vs. The State
Publication -Policy Studies -Entrepreneurship, independence, risk-taking, and freedom of contract were essential to America's development as the world's greatest economic power. Unfortunately, America appears to have lost its entrepreneurial "edge," and our economy shows it. -
No. 56 Entrepreneurial Independent Contractors vs. The State
Publication -Policy Studies -Entrepreneurship, independence, risk-taking, and freedom of contract were essential to America's development as the world's greatest economic power. Unfortunately, America appears to have lost its entrepreneurial "edge," and our economy shows it. -
No. 54 The Killing Can Be Stopped
Publication -Policy Studies -In 1992, the city of Chicago was reeling from the shooting death of Dantrell Davis, a 7-year-old boy caught in the crossfire of gangs battling for control of the city's notorious Cabrini Green public housing project. -
No. 34 Partisan Gerrymandering: Harms and a New Solution
Publication -Policy Studies -In Part I of this Heartland Policy Study, the authors describe gerrymandering as a real, not illusory, danger to democratic practice -- the moral equivalent of stealing elections. -
No. 34 Partisan Gerrymandering: Harms and a New Solution
Publication -Policy Studies -In Part I of this Heartland Policy Study, the authors describe gerrymandering as a real, not illusory, danger to democratic practice -- the moral equivalent of stealing elections. -
No. 33 Should Governments Own Convention Centers?
Publication -Policy Studies -Taxpayer-financed convention centers have become increasingly popular with state and local government officials. Centers have been built or planned in most large cities and in many metropolitan suburbs and small cities and towns. -
No. 33 Should Governments Own Convention Centers? (summary html)
Publication -Policy Studies -Quick LinksPolicy Study (HTML)Policy Study (pdf)1. Government-subsidized convention centers are chronic money losers.Convention centers have become increasingly popular "investments" of state and local tax dollars. -
No. 29 Deregulation Of Intrastate Trucking: Policy Implications For Michigan
Publication -Policy Studies -The state of Michigan has regulated its intrastate motor carrier industry since the early days of commerial trucking in 1923. This regulation has been administered by the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) since its creation in 1933. -
No. 23 Superconducting Super Collider: An Accurate Appraisal
Publication -Policy Studies -The superconducting super collider (SSC) is the subject of interest among government officials in the seven states, including Illinis and Michigan, that are finalists in a U.S Department of Energy Competition for the multibillion-dollar project. -
No. 22 Expenditure And Size Efficiencies Of Public School Districts
Publication -Policy Studies -The purpose of this study is to analyze the possible association of achievment test scores in more than 500 districts in New Jersey to their levels of socioeconomic status (SES), expenditures per student, and student enrollments. -
No. 21 Economic Impact Studies: Inaccurate, Misleading, And Unnecessary
Publication -Policy Studies -"It's not what we don't know that hurts. It's what we know that just ain't true. -
No. 20 The Private Video Library: A Bright Beginning, An Uncertain Future
Publication -Policy Studies -The popularity of the video cassette recoder (VCR) has given rise to a new economic phenomenon: the video store. -
No. 16 Tax Climate In Wisonsin: An Analysis Of State and Local Taxes
Publication -Policy Studies -Tax policies in Wisconsin are often the subject of long and frequently acrimonious debates. People disagree as to how high taxes are, who pays them, and what effect they have on economic development in the state. -
No. 15 Corrections and the Private Sector: A Guide for Public Officals
Publication -Policy Studies -Faced with rising prison populations, court-mandated reforms, and voter rejection of bond issues, many government agencies are investigating the potential of private sector corrections services. -
Selective Tax Abatements: Do They Work?
Publication -Policy Studies -Heartland Policy Study No. -
No. 2 Private Sector Participation in Chicago Mass Transit
Publication -Policy Studies -This study explores some of the implications of private transportation firms competing in markets traditionally served only by a government monopoly.