Heartland/Rasmussen Poll: Most Battleground Voters Reject European Union ESG Systems on U.S. Businesses and Support Laws to Limit Use of ESG in United States
Opinion -Press Release -Vast majority of swing state voters who are familiar with ESG scores support laws that would stop use of ESG scores by financial institutions and public companies. -
Heartland/Rasmussen Poll: Most Americans Oppose Use of ESG Scores in Personal Financial Matters
Opinion -Press Release -More than six in 10 Americans who are familiar with ESG scores support blocking financial institutions from using them. -
Did Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Mislead Congress About a U.S. CBDC?
Opinion -Because CBDCs are digital and controllable by a centralized authority, they can be embedded with features that allow governments, banks, or other authorized institutions to monitor what people are purchasing with CBDCs, or prevent purchases from occurring altogether. -
Is China More Capitalist than the United States?
Opinion -As the U.S. government pursues protectionist policies toward the Chinese and other countries, this narrows the opportunities for Musk and other entrepreneurs to launch new EV technologies and innovations. -
Government Gone Wild: Minnesota Bill Would Outlaw Unlicensed Painting
Opinion -Incredibly, for the citizens of Minnesota, it could soon be against the law to paint a wall, ceiling, or anything else for that matter inside one’s own home without a licensed painter present. And, if the bill is passed as currently written, it would be illegal for unlicensed painters to purchase solvent-based paints in quantities larger than a gallon. -
Everything About the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Is Unconstitutional
Opinion -Perhaps the worst portion of Dodd-Frank - was the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which is perhaps the most massive of the Dodd-Frank regulatory impositions on the banking sector. Oh - and the CFPB is totally unconstitutional because it purports to be an “independent agency.” -
All Aboard! Next stop: Prosperity Through Freight Rail
Opinion -While Americans grapple with stubborn inflation brought on by overspending and the bottlenecking of energy production, consumers and voters need to be aware that freight rail isn’t the boogeyman. -
Poor People Home Mortgages Down 46% – Rich People Art Collection Mortgages Up 30%
Opinion -Dodd-Frank made Wall Street and big banks more powerful, not consumers. -
$101 Million?!? The Ridiculous FTC Interference Minimum
Opinion -The Joe Biden Administration’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is completely out of control. -
Hubris: DC Even ‘Fixes’ Its Errors Wrong
Opinion -Little did we know that our plan to stimulate job growth and innovation would be subject to abuse by giant tech companies. -
‘Bring Out Your Dead’ ‘Bank Crisis’: Fake News for Big Banks
Opinion -Every business actually loathes competition. Monopoly is easy. A flourishing marketplace is hard. -
Government Price Fixing Is Just as Stupid in Europe
Opinion -Rather than let the market players determine the value of SEPs, Government in its infinite ineptitude is going to fix the rates -
Surging New England Energy Prices: No Surprise
Opinion -New Englanders now pay more than twice the price for natural gas than most other US residents pay, and that gap is growing. -
Florida: Where ESG goes to die
Opinion -DeSantis signed a landmark bill designed “to protect Floridians from the corporatist environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) movement -- a worldwide effort to inject woke political ideology across the financial sector." -
‘Too Big to Fail’ – to ‘We Only Need 3 or 4 Banks’ – in 13 Years
Opinion -We’re supposed to simply forget the cataclysmic, corrupt outcome of DC’s last bank “too big to fail” “reform.” -
EV Weirdness Looms Large
Opinion -Editorial -People are not excited about buying electric vehicles, so word has it that the Biden administration is gearing up to force us to do it. The trick is to use the so-called Fuel Economy Standards to do it. -
Follow The Science, At Least On Nutrition
Opinion -Editorial -Even if we hew to politicized science on Covid and climate, can’t we do real science on food? -
Progressive Myths About Mass Shootings and Weapons of War
Opinion -Editorial -In the wake of the Boulder supermarket massacre and other mass shootings, progressive activists, politicians, and journalists have misled the public about major aspects of these tragedies. -
Dem Senator Wants to Weaponize the IRS, Again
Opinion -Editorial -Wyden, one of the most liberal U.S. senators and ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, wrote a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig -
California’s Dysfunctional Electricity Policies may lead to more Blackouts
Opinion -Editorial -California is proud of being the only state in America that imports more electricity than any other state. -
Food Security in a Post-Covid World
Opinion -Editorial -US-EU trade talks are already stalled over agriculture issues. And yet the European Union’s new “Farm to Fork” strategy doubles down on the EU’s contentious agricultural regulations. -
Trump Administration Delays Summer Season Fuel Switch
Opinion -environment-climate-news -The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is delaying the normally required shift to summertime gasoline blends after the coronavirus pandemic caused a plummet in demand, leaving, pipelines, refineries, and storage tanks full of winter-grade fuel. -
Proposed Violence Against Women Act Revisions Could Cost States Billions in Unemployment Benefits
Opinion -budget-tax-news, Editorial -Legislators in many states are considering bills that would reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) on the state level, jeopardizing the solvency of state Unemployment Insurance trust funds -
Ten Years Out, Electronic Health Records Raise Ire
Opinion -health-care-news, News -Electronic Health Records (EHRs) were once touted as an easily transferrable, cost-effective way to record patient care, but more than a decade after their introduction, they are a subject of heated debate.