

  • Chicago School Reforms Bring Improvement

    Published February 1, 1999
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    During a 1987 visit to Chicago, then U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett described the city's school district as the worst in the nation. He was not invited back for eleven years.
  • Michigan School Boards Fall Down on Contract Bargaining

    Published February 1, 1999
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    In negotiating collective bargaining agreements, far too many Michigan school districts have abandoned their obligations to protect employees' constitutional rights, according to a recent Mackinac Center study.
  • U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Milwaukee Vouchers

    Published December 1, 1998
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    School choice advocates were handed their biggest victory to date on November 9 when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge to the Wisconsin Supreme Court's June ruling in support of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program.
  • Choice Advocates Assemble at Friedman Conference

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Nobel laureate Milton Friedman urged legislators, corporate executives, and community leaders attending the first conference to be hosted by the Milton & Rose D.
  • The Only Solution Is Competition: An Exclusive Interview with Milton Friedman

    Published December 1, 1998
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    It is one of the happy coincidences of history that Dr.
  • Maine Supreme Court Weighs Religious Freedom Case

    Published December 1, 1998
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    While most school choice litigation is initiated by opponents seeking to halt the implementation of legislation to expand choice, a case recently argued before the Maine Supreme Court was initiated by school choice advocates seeking to overturn a 1981
  • NYC Vouchers Lift Minority Test Scores

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Low-income students in New York City who were able to use vouchers to transfer to private or parochial schools last fall scored higher on reading and math tests than did their peers who remained behind in the public schools, according to a new study
  • Teacher Union Criticism Off Base

    Published December 1, 1998
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    The promising results from the new Harvard/Mathematica study of New York City's private voucher program quickly came under fire from school choice opponents, who tried to discredit the analysis by questioning the motives of lead researcher Paul E.
  • Choice Schools Rated Highly, Despite Lack of Resources

    Published December 1, 1998
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    According to the new study of New York City’s School Choice Scholarship Program, the parents of students awarded scholarships placed their children in schools where they were less likely to have access to a library, a cafeteria, a nurse's office,
  • Unions Just Want More Money

    Published December 1, 1998
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    "Those presently in control of the education system have run short of ideas except to lobby continually for more money," say the teachers who signed "A Letter to the American People,” calling for systemic school reform.
  • How Parents Select Schools

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Critics of school choice argue that low-income families will select schools for their children on the basis of sports programs, location, or religious instruction--not on educational quality.
  • National Training Workshop Scheduled for January

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Declining to rest on its laurels after a banner year of program growth, CEO America is working to maintain the growing momentum for school choice, moving forward with efforts to expand the number of privately funded voucher programs throughout the
  • Remedial Ed Soars in California

    Published December 1, 1998
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    "I wish I could of study longer and harder. . . . What I had learn was that If I had study more I think that I would of got a better grade.
  • How the Milwaukee Voucher Program Works

    Published December 1, 1998
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    A November 10 Wall Street Journal description of the workings of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program makes clear the direct parallel between that voucher program and other taxpayer-funded programs that enhance choice for college students and
  • Blacks Go to War for School Choice

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Attacking the Enemy Charging the teacher labor unions with blocking every meaningful attempt to reform failing public schools and with being "perpetrators of educational genocide," the national president of the Samaritan Project, Bishop Earl W.
  • Why Not Have Democracy in Education?

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Pennsylvania's Southeast Delco School District adopted in early 1998 a local student grant program.
  • New Black Leaders See Civil Rights Victory

    Published December 1, 1998
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    The U.S.
  • Colorado’s Parent Information Center

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Colorado parents seeking information on specific schools for their children can call the Parent Information Center in Golden for a report card on the school's academic record, which is graded "A" through "F" depending on the percentage of students
  • Tuition Tax Credit Initiative Fails

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Voters in Colorado rejected by a 59 percent to 41 percent margin the Amendment 17 ballot initiative that would have provided tax credits to parents who send their children to private schools.
  • CUNY Phases Out Remedial Education

    Published December 1, 1998
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    "Twelfth grade is a cotillion or debutante ball, a coming-out party for an inferior product, the result of 12 years of ruinous instruction, flawed governance, disengaged parents and communities, lack of competition and stagnant ideas.
  • Classroom Teachers Call for School Choice

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Dismayed by how little improvement in the quality of public education has taken place in the 15 years since publication of A Nation at Risk, a group of nationally acclaimed teachers has declared that the time has come for fundamental reform of the
  • Overcoming Opposition to School Choice

    Published December 1, 1998
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    "I'll start representing kids when kids start paying union dues." Al Shanker, former AFT President California Gov.
  • 12/1998 Parental Freedom in the States and Nation

    Published December 1, 1998
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    Illinois . . . Only days after he was endorsed by the Illinois Education Association (IEA) for this year's gubernatorial race, Secretary of State George Ryan (R) announced his support for tuition tax credits.
  • Aligning K-12 Standards with College Placement

    Published December 1, 1998
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    "We must adjust, and even overhaul, the current mélange of K-16 education policies that sends confusing signals to students and schools about what knowledge is worth knowing," says Stanford University education professor Michael W.

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