Climate Change
Climate Change Weekly #523: Climate Models Are Wrong: No Warming Surge Since the 1970s
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -New research indicates there has been no statistically significant warming surge since the 1970s. -
Climate Change Weekly #522: EV Owners Have Big Carbon Footprints
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Researchers from the University of Turku, Finland, found that on average EV drivers actually have a bigger carbon footprint than drivers who own petrol or diesel cars. -
PRESS RELEASE: The Heartland Institute and Solidarity Labor Union Leaders Take Historic Steps to Oppose UN Climate Activism
Opinion -Press Release -Solidarity labor union leaders and The Heartland signed an historic agreement to work together to preserve conventional energy and oppose the UN's oppressive climate change agenda. -
Climate Change Weekly #521: Climate Journalism, Increasingly Bought and Paid For
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -I have written a couple of times previously about the mainstream media’s outside-funded collaboration to promote climate alarm. -
Climate Change Weekly #520: The Rich Really Are Different When Carbon Footprints Are Calculated
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -The great actual disparity in personal carbon footprints, however, is not accurately reflected in people’s perceptions about their personal and their economic class’s relative contributions of human CO2 to the atmosphere. -
Climate Change Weekly #519: Climate Negotiations on Hold, Pending U.S. Elections
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -No matter how big China’s economy has become, the United States is still the straw that stirs the drink on climate policy. -
Climate Change Weekly #518: The High Cost of the Biden/Harris IRA Climate Rules
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -IN THIS ISSUE: The High Cost of the Biden/Harris IRA Climate Rules The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), passed on August 16, 2022, contained billions of dollars in spending on green energy initiatives intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to fight climate change. A new analysis of the literature by Tim Benson of The […] -
Climate Change Weekly #517: Net Zero Efforts Destroying Forests and Reefs
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -IN THIS ISSUE: Net Zero Efforts Destroying Forests and Reefs Many of our readers are probably aware of the tremendous amounts of lithium and cobalt needed for electric vehicle (EV) batteries, among other supposedly green technologies. Climate Change Weekly has previously discussed the environmental destruction and human rights violations inherent in the production of these […] -
Climate Change Weekly #516: Hunga Tonga Eruption Behind “Record” Warming
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -I and other Heartland Institute scholars have written before about the bird, bat, and marine mammals that industrial wind is killing around the world. -
Climate Change Weekly #515: 🔥 EV Dangers Daily Becoming More Evident 🔥
Opinion -I and other Heartland Institute scholars have written before about the bird, bat, and marine mammals that industrial wind is killing around the world. -
Climate Change Weekly #514: 🦇 Evidence Mounts that Green Tech Is Wiping Out Species 🐦
Opinion -I and other Heartland Institute scholars have written before about the bird, bat, and marine mammals that industrial wind is killing around the world. -
On Energy Policy, Kamala Harris Is Clueless
Opinion -The timing of Harris’ unflinching support for unaffordable and unreliable renewable energy coupled with her antipathy towards abundant, affordable, and reliable fossil fuels could not come at a worse time for the American people or the U.S. economy at large. -
Climate Change Weekly #513: 📢 Hey, Ho! Biden/Harris Climate Policies Have to Go 📢
Opinion -Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss! At least if you care about energy independence and household security. -
Kamala Harris: Climate Alarmist, Energy Luddite
Opinion -Aside from her antipathy towards fossil fuels, Harris is a firm supporter of renewable energy mandates, including the preposterous idea of making the entire U.S. economy “carbon neutral” in just a few decades. -
Waging War on Modern Agriculture and Global Nutrition
Opinion -In plain English, Agro-Ecology is rabidly opposed to biotechnology, monoculture farming, non-organic fertilizers, chemical pesticides, and even mechanized equipment and hybrid seeds. -
The Dangerous Delusion of Transitioning to ‘Just Electricity’
Opinion -The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet. -
Climate Change Weekly #512: Carbon Dioxide Levels and Warming Aren’t a Problem, New Study Says
Opinion -CLINTEL's research directly refutes claims made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report. -
More Bad News on the Electric Vehicle Front
Opinion -Based on Americans’ reluctance to purchase EVs, I think it’s safe to say at this point that the EV rollout has been a disaster so far. -
Preserving Antiquities, or Regulating Economics?
Opinion -Several western leaders are calling for a review of the Antiquities Act of 1906, which some even want repealed, claiming presidents have abused its broad authority. -
Questions Linger Over Decision to Cancel Milwaukee’s July 4th Fireworks Show
Opinion -Is it possible that city leaders bowed to outside pressure from kooky environmental groups hellbent on canceling the fireworks show because they claim it is hazardous? -
New U.S.-E.U. Methane Rules Won’t Affect Temperatures
Opinion -Methane regulations, even if established worldwide, won’t have a measurable effect on global temperatures. However, they will raise costs for energy and food, impacting consumers and businesses. -
Scam of the Century! Ridding the World of Crude Oil Without a Replacement Is Global Suicide!
Opinion -World leaders have little comprehension that reducing crop production via a reduction of CO2 and ridding the world of crude oil, without a replacement in our minds, would be immoral and evil. -
Peer Reviewed Climate Skepticism
Opinion -A fine skeptical journal article waded through green pal review. Wonder of wonders! -
Climate Change Weekly #511: Illegal ESG Collusion Behind Decarbonization Efforts
Opinion -The Heartland Institute was well ahead of the curve in exposing the dangers ESG poses to freedom and economic progress.