Government & Politics
State Post-Employment Benefits Debts Heading Toward Crisis
Opinion -While early estimates suggested state and local governments have accumulated hundreds of billions of dollars of debt in unfunded "other post-employment benefits" (OPEBs), revised estimates now indicate those early numbers may have been much too low. -
New York State Government Grows
Opinion -Employment and wage trends in New York State since the beginning of this decade could be described as a tale of two sectors: public and private. -
Pocketbook Issues Were Key to November 2006 Election
Opinion -In politics, election results usually are known within a few hours after the polls close, but the real story often takes more time to emerge. So it has been with the November 2006 contest. -
E-voting Upgrades America’s Ballot Box
Opinion -On Election Day 2006, more than 65 million Americans voted using direct recording electronic (DRE) machines. -
Liberal Republican Chafee Wins Party’s Nomination
Opinion -With help from the Bush administration, whose initiatives he has repeatedly snubbed, Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R) won the Republican Party nomination against a fiscal conservative challenger in the state's September 12 primary election. -
Maine Taxpayer Bill of Rights’ Signatures Valid: Court
Opinion -A unanimous Maine Supreme Court ruling has cleared the way for Mainers to make the final decision on a citizen's initiative referendum. -
New Coalition President Thanks Mayor Daley
Opinion -(Chicago, IL - April 19) Today, Lee Walker, president of The New Coalition for Economic and Social Change, sent a letter to City Hall thanking Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley for his official recognition of the Booker T. -
Project Helps State Lawmakers Shape National Public Policy
Opinion -State legislators do more than decide the direction of the policies of their respective states, an ongoing advisory project points out. They also shape the national debate. -
Number, Cost of Government Workers Growing Fast, Study Says
Opinion -The nation's 16 million state and local government workers form a large, growing, and well-compensated class in society. State and local workers earned $36 per hour in wages and benefits in 2005, on average, compared to $24 per hour for U.S. -
Project Pushes 10 Resolutions
Opinion -This year, the State Legislative Advisory Project is asking state legislators to pass the following resolutions: 1. Encourage the U.S. Congress to pass meaningful tax reform. 2. Support Judge Alito's Nomination to the U.S. -
Illinois Governor Creates Mortgage Program Benefitting Illegal Aliens
Opinion -Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) has used his executive powers to create a state-backed low-interest mortgage loan program for persons with little or no credit history, including illegal aliens. -
Ohio Voters Approve $2 Billion ‘Jobs for Ohio’ Plan
Opinion -Ohio voters approved Issue 1, known as the "Jobs for Ohio" ballot initiative, in the November 8 election, giving a victory to Gov. -
Vermont Should Become Leader in E-Government, Report Says
Opinion -After two years of work, the Vermont Institute on Government Effectiveness has issued recommendations that would allow the state to make better use of technology to provide services and cut government spending. -
Washington Had Nation’s Only Successful Statewide Referenda
Opinion -Initiative 912 was one of five initiatives on the Washington ballot on election day. Two initiatives passed--one to require performance audits of government-funded programs, and one to restrict indoor smoking. -
Shifting Blame in the Katrina Tragedy
Opinion -As the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina continued to shock and sadden the nation, the question on many lips was, "Who is to blame for the inadequate response?" That question remains to be fully answered. -
Georgia Gives up Revenue ‘Windfall,’ Suspends State Gasoline Taxes
Opinion -Georgia motorists recently won temporary tax relief as they struggled to cope with soaring fuel costs. -
New Book Explains How to Shrink Government, Strengthen Economy
Opinion -In his newly released book, Chris Edwards, director of tax policy at the Cato Institute, details ways to cut 100 federal agencies, increase freedom, and improve economic performance. -
New Project on Unintended Consequences
Opinion -Unintended consequences abound in politics and government. Increased expenditures by school districts lead to no improvement in student achievement. High tax rates produce less revenue than lower rates. -
Bill Would Divide Hawaii by Race, Dole Out Entitlements
Opinion -Legislation to divide Hawaii along racial lines and hand out race-based government benefits to as much as 20 percent of the state's population is moving through Congress, having attracted almost no attention outside the state, despite its implications. -
Supreme Court OKs Expansion of Takings Power
Opinion -The U.S. Supreme Court gave a major victory to urban planners, large property owners, and government in the Kelo v. New London decision announced June 23. -
Private Airport Screeners Outperform Government Counterparts
Opinion -Privately employed airport screeners do a better job than government airport screeners, according to a recent U.S. -
Competition Improves Government Performance, New Studies Show
Opinion -Two important new studies show competition improves the efficiency of government departments. -
Help Wanted: School Choice Leaders in the 109th Congress
Opinion -As the 109th Congress convened in January, Capitol Hill supporters of educational freedom were nervously surveying the likely composition and leadership of the Senate and House education committees, which are crucial to further federal backing of school -
Ronald Reagan’s Fight Against Inflation
Opinion -One of the amusing things about the media is their compulsion always to present an alternative perspective to conservative successes, even when they look ridiculous doing so.