Heartland Weekly: New Mexico Schools to Teach Climate Dogma

Published November 20, 2017

If you don’t visit Freedom Pub and the Heartlander digital magazine every day, you’re missing out on some of the best news and commentary on liberty and free markets you can find. But worry not, freedom lovers! Heartland Weekly is here for you every Monday with a highlight show. Subscribe to the email today, and read this week’s edition below.

Brady’s Tax Reform Proposal Could Unleash America’s Economic Engine
Jesse Hathaway, The Hill
Americans have suffered through years of the weakest economic rebound following a recession in modern history. Thankfully, to riff on a popular advertising jingle, “R-E-F-O-R-M” spells “relief.” Beating the Christmas rush, congressional leaders have sent taxpayers a big gift, wrapped up in dollars and adorned with common sense: tax reform! READ MORE

William Happer Interview: Focused Civil Dialogue on Global Warming
One of the most prestigious climate scientists in the world, physicist William Happer, Ph.D., was interviewed by TheBestSchools.org in December 2016. The full reprint of the interview can now be found online. He succinctly summarizes the strongest arguments, stating “Government actions to combat the non-existent problem have blighted the landscape with windmills and solar farms. They have driven up the price of electricity, which has disproportionately harmed the poorest segments of society.” READ MORE

New Mexico Schools to Teach Climate Dogma
H. Sterling Burnett, American Spectator
New Mexico’s Public Education Department (PED) last week did a disservice to New Mexico’s students, as well as the taxpayers who fund schools, when it caved in to global warming alarmists in the battle over how to teach climate science in the state’s schools. Alarmists aren’t just questioning the value of continuing the global warming debate; their approach also calls into question the scientific method, which has been used successfully in its current form since the Enlightenment. READ MORE

Featured Podcast: David Holt: Campaigning for Consumer’s Energy Needs
David Holt, president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, discusses how restrictions on energy development and transportation at the federal and state level harm small businesses and consumers, and why expanded pipelines and offshore oil and gas production are both good for people and the environment. The Consumer Energy Alliance’s Campaign for America’s Energy is educating consumers on the critical nature of energy to their lives and encouraging them to vote on energy matters when they go to the polls. LISTEN TO MORE

Featured Podcast: David Holt: Campaigning for Consumer’s Energy Needs
David Holt, president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, discusses how restrictions on energy development and transportation at the federal and state level harm small businesses and consumers, and why expanded pipelines and offshore oil and gas production are both good for people and the environment. The Consumer Energy Alliance’s Campaign for America’s Energy is educating consumers on the critical nature of energy to their lives and encouraging them to vote on energy matters when they go to the polls. LISTEN TO MORE

How to Prevent High School Dropouts? Give Families the Schools They Want
Teresa Mull, Breitbart
Last month was National Dropout Prevention Month. The media has been eagerly reporting that high school graduation rates have reached a record high, though incomplete or fuzzy district data makes such claims questionable.The reasons students drop out of school are as abundant and unique as the students themselves, and there’s no one glaring reason why students drop out. There is, however, one obvious solution that has the ability to help kids who need it the most: school choice. READ MORE

U.N. Admits Paris Climate Agreement Was a Sham
H. Sterling Burnett, Climate Change Weekly
On December 18, 2015, just days after the Paris climate agreement was finalized, I wrote about the gaping flaws in the agreement, not the least of which was this: Even if all parties to the agreement met their commitments, by most honest analysts’ reckonings the increase in Earth’s temperature would exceed the 2 degrees Celsius the parties to the agreement argued was necessary to prevent disastrous consequences. Now, even the United Nations is fessing up to this fact. READ MORE

Bonus Podcast: Charles Hughes, Manhattan Institute: New York E-cig Law’s Dangerous Consequences
Manhattan Institute policy analyst Charles Hughes talks about New York State’s new ban on using e-cigarettes in all public indoor places throughout the state. Treating tobacco and e-cigarettes as the same thing will discourage people from switching from harmful tobacco to less-harmful alternatives, Hughes says, keeping smoking rates high and allowing smoking’s side effects to harm more people. LISTEN TO MORE

School Reform News – Poll: Millennials Strongly Support School Choice
The December 2017 edition of School Reform News is online in PDF format. In this edition, discover how a new survey of millennials conducted by GenForward and published by USA Today found that 79 percent of blacks, 76 percent of Asian Americans, 77 percent of Latinos, and 66 percent of whites support vouchers. Similar numbers also support charter schools. Also in this issue, read about Iowa proposing to use student feedback in judging success of public schools, the arrest of Antifa-connected teacher Yvette Felarca, and a new college ranker going against traditional methods and models. READ MORE

What Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Agreed On
Peter Ferrara, Townhall
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton didn’t agree on much last year. But one thing they did both agree on was that so called “carried interest” involved a special interest loophole that should be closed. However, they were both wrong. There is a fundamental reason for those preferential capital gains tax rates. Capital gains taxes inherently involve double taxation of the property. That double taxation can effectively involve taxation of mere inflation, which doesn’t involve any real income to pay the tax.  READ MORE

Avalanches of Global Warming Alarmism
Tom Harris and Tim Ball, Heartland.org
Throughout the United Nations Climate Change Conference wrapping up in Bonn, Germany this week, the world has been inundated with the usual avalanche of manmade global warming alarmism. The UN expects us to believe that extreme weather, shrinking sea ice, and sea level rise will soon become much worse if we do not quickly phase out our use of fossil fuels that provide over 80 percent of the world’s energy. There is essentially nothing to support these alarms, of course. READ MORE

Talk With Heartland Experts!
You are cordially invited to participate in an exclusive monthly conference call for supporters who give $250 or more to The Heartland Institute. The first Wednesday of each month we will host a 20- to 30-minute call with a short presentation by one or more of Heartland’s senior staff.

Please RSVP to Gwendalyn Carver at 312/377-4000 or [email protected]. You will receive dial-in information upon confirmation of your participation. DONATE HERE

Help Us Stop Wikipedia’s Lies!
Have you visited Heartland’s Wikipedia page recently? The good news is that it is more complete than it was just a couple months ago, after leftists took it over and trashed it. Most of the new information is accurate and unbiased. But the lies and libel about our positions on smoking and climate change remain. Other conservative and free-market sites suffer, too. Wikipedia refuses to make many of the changes we request and deletes and reverses the changes made by others. We need your help! READ MORE