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This week on Climate Change Roundtable, host Anthony Watts and panelists Linnea Lueken and H. Sterling Burnett will talk about the big white elephant in the climate room: UHI. The Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) has been known for decades, but it is routinely dismissed by climate advocates as being either insignificant or “we adjust for it” when they really don’t.
We will be joined by Dr. Roy Spencer on the University of Alabama, Huntsville who will talk about his new UHI dataset, which shows clearly that the effect is not just strong in the United States, but elsewhere in the world. He’s found some amazing things that we’ll illustrate with maps.
Join us on Climate Change Roundtable #86. URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT – Dramatic New Findings! We’ll also cover the crazy climate news of the week and take your questions.