Browse Heartland
Mosquitoes Not Listening to Gore
Opinion -Legacy Climate Change Weekly -Climate Change Weekly #23Global warming is often predicted to cause a devastating increase in the range and frequency of malaria, but somebody forgot to tell the malarial mosquitoes. -
Heartland Replies to ‘Nature’
Opinion -Nature, the well-known British science journal, has a feature story and an unsigned editorial in its latest issue addressing The Heartland Institute’s contribution to the global debate over climate change. -
Judge Orders Release of Climate Research Documents
Opinion -The Prince William Circuit Court in the state of Virginia has ordered the University of Virginia (U.VA.) to publicly disclose climate research-related documents produced by former U.VA. Professor Michael Mann. -
MEDIA ADVISORY: Sen. James Inhofe to Kick Off Heartland Institute’s 6th Climate Conference in DC
Opinion -WHAT: Sixth International Conference on Climate ChangeWHERE: Marriott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Road NW, Washington, DCWHEN: June 30 and July 1, 2011Sen. -
Media Advisory: Heartland Institute to Host 6th International Conference on Climate Change in Washington
Opinion -What: Sixth International Conference on Climate ChangeWhere: Marriott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Road NW, Washington, DCWhen: June 30 and July 1, 2011The Heartland Institute will host its sixth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-6) on June -
Alarmist Mann Sues over Humorous Insult
Opinion -Controversial global warming alarmist Michael Mann, a Pennsylvania State University professor and one of the central figures in the Climategate scandal, is suing prominent skeptic Timothy Ball for making a joke about Mann’s alleged misconduct. -
Global Warming in 2010: The Heat Came from Politics, Not Mother Nature
Opinion -It’s time to review the year’s happenings in the hurly-burly world of global warming. But before we go further, readers should know that global warming has morphed again. -
French Academy Lays a Warming Egg
Opinion -The august French Academy has spoken: After a cursory examination of the issue, a single day of selected testimonies, and some internal discussion among admitted non-experts, their Oct. 28 report concluded global warming is “real and anthropogenic. -
Heartland Institute Comments on the Post-2010 Midterms Policy Landscape
Opinion -The Heartland Institute is a 26-year-old national nonprofit research and education organization based in Chicago. Its mission is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. -
Scientists Reject Royal Society’s Global Warming Position
Opinion -The Royal Society of Great Britain, generally considered the nation’s most prestigious scientific society, has announced it will conduct a review of a previous public statement supporting the claims of global warming alarmists. -
Penn State Exonerates Michael Mann
Opinion -Pennsylvania State University recently released a report summarizing its final “investigation” into whether one of its employees had committed scientific misconduct. -
Wisconsin Legislature Rejects Global Warming Bill
Opinion -The Wisconsin legislature declined to take action on a controversial global warming bill, allowing its 2010 session to end without implementing energy restrictions recommended by a global warming task force handpicked by Gov. Jim Doyle. -
Taking the Tip from Tipper: Divorcing AGW
Opinion -Former Vice President Al Gore spent the last decade as a larger-than-life figure, more of a symbol than a living, breathing human being. -
International Climate Conference Proves “Skeptics” Champion Vibrant Discussion
Opinion -Global warming is not a human-induced crisis, reported more than 70 speakers in three days of sessions at The Heartland Institute’s Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, May 16-18 in Chicago. -
NAS Report: ‘Partisan and Closed Minded’
Opinion -The National Academy of Sciences Thursday reasserted its opinion that the Earth’s climate has warmed to crisis levels and that human activity – the burning of fossil fuels – is the primary cause. -
Opening Climate Conference Gala Proves ‘Skeptics’ No Monolith
Opinion -CHICAGO -- Steve McIntyre, whose persistent inquiry into the data supporting an iconic graphic of global-warming disaster called the “hockey stick” led to the scandal known as Climategate, outlined the tell-tale footprints he followed for a -
Monday Climate Conference Speakers Warn of ‘Meaningless’ Warming, Even Global Cooling
Opinion -CHICAGO (May 17, 2010) - Attendees at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change here who hoped to stock up on ammunition to battle global warming alarmists got locked and loaded Monday. -
PJTV to Cover Climate Conference Live
Opinion -Live coverage of the eight keynote speeches at the fourth International Conference on Climate Change in Chicago will be streamed online by Pajamas Media's PJTV. -
Economists Cite Flaws in Global Warming
Opinion -As the science underlying predictions about global warming unravels amid scandal and contrary data, the economic argument against regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions is gaining traction. -
Inhofe to Address Global Warming Skeptics
Opinion -CHICAGO – U.S. Sen. -
EPA Must Revisit Finding:
Opinion -The Obama administration’s effort to regulate carbon dioxide emissions has run into a scientific brick wall and should be re-examined, a leading climatologist will argue at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change May 16-18 in Chicago. -
2010 April Environment & Climate News (full text pdf)
Opinion -The April issue of Environment & Climate News reports Arizona will not implement carbon dioxide restrictions under the Western Climate Initiative’s regional cap-and-trade system.Also in this issue:* Idaho Gov. C.L. -
It’s More About Principle Than Money
Opinion -Tony Noerpel’s reference (“SCOTUS,” March 2) to The Heartland Institute as a “tobacco lobbyist” is typical of the global warming alarmists who won’t face the fact that the science is far from settled on this issue. -
Institute of Physics Chastises IPCC Scientists, Calls for Widespread Reforms
Opinion -The Institute of Physics, a worldwide scientific body devoted to increasing the practice, understanding and application of physics, has sent a stinging letter to the British Parliament calling for widespread reforms in the climate science community.