Barry Garelick
Barry Garelick recently retired from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and obtained his credential to teach secondary math in California. He has a degree in mathematics from University of Michigan and as part of his second career after retiring from the federal government, has recently received his California teaching credential to teach math in secondary schools. Garelick now works as a public school math teacher. He worked on temporary assignment to a U.S. senator in 2002, providing advice on math education in the U.S. He has written articles on math education for The Atlantic, Education Next, Educational Leadership, School Reform News, and Education News. He is co-founder of the U.S. Coalition for World Class Math, which has provided extensive comments on the deficiencies of the Common Core standards for mathematics. He has written a book “Confessions of a 21st Century Math Teacher” which chronicles his experiences teaching math at a high school and a middle school in California during the period of transition to Common Core standards.
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