Bill Peacock

Vice President of Research and Director of the Center for Economic Freedom, Texas Public Policy Foundation

Peacock directs the research of the Texas Public Policy Foundation to ensure its accuracy, integrity, and application of free market principles to the issues facing Texas and the nation. His own research focuses on economic freedom and growth, property rights, civil justice, and regulatory issues.

Bill has extensive experience in Texas government and policy on a variety of issues, including economic and regulatory policy, natural resources, public finance, and public education. His work has focused on identifying and reducing the harmful effects of regulations on the economy, businesses, and consumers.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Bill served as the Deputy Commissioner for Coastal Resources for Commissioner Jerry Patterson at the Texas General Land Office. Before he worked at the GLO, Bill was a legislative and media consultant, working with groups like Citizens for a Sound Economy and Putting Children First. He also served as the Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Intergovernmental Affairs for Commissioner Rick Perry at the Texas Department of Agriculture and as a legislative aide to Rep. John Culberson in the Texas House of Representatives. Bill began his career in state policy in 1989 in the Texas Senate as the analyst for public education and school finance for the Senate Committee on Education.

Bill has a B.A. in History from the University of Northern Colorado and a M.B.A. with an emphasis in public finance from the University of Houston. He lives with his wife, Kelly, and son, William, in Austin, Texas, where they attend Redeemer Presbyterian Church.