Bob Zybach

President, NW Maps Co.

Bob Zybach joined The Heartland Institute’s board of policy advisors in 2017. He earned his Ph.D. in environmental sciences from Oregon State University. His doctoral research focused on the catastrophic-scale fire history of the Oregon Coast Range, 1491-1951. [Read Zybach’s C.V. here.]

For the past 25 years Zybach has conducted forest science and public education research as president of his family business, NW Maps Co. From 1996 to the present he has served as program manager for, a 501c(3) educational website focused on the scientific management of Oregon’s natural and cultural resources. 

In 2010 Zybach was elected to the Board of Environmental Sciences Independent Peer Review Institute (ESIPRI), where he coauthored a comprehensive peer-reviewed guideline for transparent public peer reviews of federal environmental science regulations. He has written and lectured extensively on reforestation planning, wildfire history and economics, Oregon history, and the state’s cultural and resources management.

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