Bruce Cooper
Bruce S. Cooper, Ph.D., is professor and was division chair (2003-2006) in the Division of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy (ELAP) in the Graduate School of Education at Fordham University. A graduate of the University of Chicago (Ph.D. ’74 and M.S. ’72), Dr. Cooper has done extensive research on school finance, organization, policy, and reform, working at Coopers & Lybrand in the development of the In$ite finance model, with former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani on analysis on school-site funding in New York City public schools, and the decentralization of governance in the nation’s most centralized school system (no local districts, boards, or superintendents). He has conducted research on public policy issues, school leadership, private and parochial schools, executive stress, choice schools, finance, and labor relations.
Dr. Cooperis a member of Phi Delta Kappa, the American Educational Research Association, Associates for Research on Private Education (President, Treasurer), Politics of Education Association (President 2004-2006; former Treasurer), American Education Finance Association (AEFA), and University Council for Education Administration (UCEA) Plenum Rep. He has served on the editorial boards of Educational Administration Quarterly (1984-91; 1999-2005); the Journal of School Leadership (1999-2000); Leadership and Policy in Schools (1998-2006); Catholic Education: A Journal of Research and Practice; and American Journal of Education (2005-2007); and as editor of Private School Monitor (2000-2008).