Chris Sciabarra
Chris Sciabarra is a Visiting Scholar at New York University, where he earned his BA in History (with honors) in 1982; his MA in Politics in 1983; and his PhD in Political Philosophy, Theory, and Methodology in 1988, under the supervision of Bertell Ollman. In 1999 he became the co-founder and editor of the biannual Journal of Ayn Rand Studies and belongs to Liberty and Power, a group weblog at the History News Network.
He is the author of a trilogy of books on dialectics and libertarianism. The second of these, published in 1995, is Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical, which explores Ayn Rand’s college influences and intellectual roots-particularly the role of Rand’s philosophy teacher, philosopher Nicholas Onufrievich Lossky-and argued that Rand’s philosophical method was dialectical in nature.