Eric Eisenhammer
Eric began his political career as a legislative aide in the California State Capitol and has for the past decade worked on numerous pro-free market campaigns on issues of taxes and energy, in addition to serving as a consultant to local and statewide races in California and Nevada.
In 2009, Eric served as campaign manager for the No on Prop. 1A campaign on behalf of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association’s No New Taxes committee. This tax increase was supported by many of California’s most powerful special interests.
Although No on 1A was outspent by 20-1, intense grassroots opposition and Eric’s talent for marshalling the opposition with digital and in person organizing efforts, resulted in a landslide defeat of the proposal.
In 2010, Eric collaborated with Assemblyman Dan Logue on a proposal to postpone implementation of California’s cap and trade program. After Assemblyman Logue’s bill to postpone this program was rejected by the Legislature, Eric and Assemblyman Logue worked with a broad coalition of business and taxpayer groups, to put Proposition 23 on the ballot.
At the conclusion of the campaign, Eric founded Dauntless Communications to engage in further campaign work, advocacy, and web development.
Eric also founded the nonprofit Coalition of Energy Users to advocate for jobs and affordable energy. Since its founding, CEU has built a volunteer network composed of thousands of people in California, Nevada and throughout the West.
Among CEU’s accomplishments are successfully advocating to eliminate billions of dollars in energy taxes California used for Solyndra-style green energy subsidies, successfully opposing new oil taxes and energy bans, and organizing citizens in opposition to California’s recently-imposed gas tax increase.
CEU’s educational foundation has held community forums throughout California and Nevada aimed at equipping citizen activists with factual information on energy.
Eric Eisenhammer Contributions

- Environment & Energy