F.H. Buckley
Buckley has taught at George Mason since 1989 and before then was a Visiting Olin Fellow of the University of Chicago Law School. He was twice a visiting professor at the Sorbonne (Paris II), and in fall 2007 was a visiting professor at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). He has B.A. and L.L.B. degrees from McGill University and an L.L.M. degree from Harvard University.
Buckley has published in many of the leading journals, including the Journal of Legal Studies, International Review of Law and Economics, and Public Choice. His most recent books are The Once and Future King (Encounter Books, 2014), The American Illness (ed., Yale 2013), Fair Governance (Oxford 2009), Just Exchange (Routledge 2005), The Morality of Laughter (Michigan 2003) and The Fall and Rise of Freedom of Contract (ed. Duke 1999). He is a senior editor of The American Spectator.
F.H. Buckley Contributions
- Taxes
- Environment & Energy
- Constitutional Reform
- Government & Liberty
- Economy
- Government Spending