Jeffrey Paul
Jeffrey Paul is a retired professor of philosophy at Bowling Green State University, the Associate Director of the Social Philosophy and Policy Center, and a Research Professor at the Freedom Center. His research and teaching focus on ethics, political philosophy, and law.
Research Interests:
Jeffrey is the co-editor, with Richard A. Epstein, of Labor Law and the Employment Market (Transaction, 1985). He has published essays on ethics and political philosophy in The Monist, Philosophical Review, the Personalist, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, the Review of Metaphysics, Reason Papers, Orbis, the Journal of Medical Ethics, the History of Political Thought, the Hastings Center Report, and in John Gray and Z.A. Pelczynski’s collection Conceptions of Liberty in Political Theory.
His collection Reading Nozick was published by Rowman and Allanheld in 1981. He is Associate Editor of Social Philosophy & Policy, as well as a coeditor of many collections of essays on moral and political philosophy published by Cambridge University Press.
Jeffrey founded the Social Philosophy and Policy Center at Bowling Green State University with Fred D. Miller, Jr., in 1981. He is presently Associate Director of the Center.