Ken Glozer
Ken G. GlozerĀ is founder and president of OMB Professionals, which serves a broad range of private-sector clients, including companies, trade associations, nonprofit organizations, and other nonfederal-agency entities.
Glozer is a former senior career executive of the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), serving six presidents over a span of 26 years. He was for almost two decades a charter member of the Senior Executive Service, functioning in that capacity as Deputy Associate Director (the most senior level for career officials). He has extensive senior-level experience in policy, budget, evaluation, regulation, loans, and loan guarantees, with emphasis on energy, agricultural, and energy-related environment areas. His team is comprised of seasoned experienced experts from federal agencies including the Congressional Budget Office, OMB, the Departments of Energy (DOE) and Agriculture (USDA) and from private companies. Collectively, they have extensive contacts within the federal government blended with professionals who have been successful in private profitmaking companies and who know and understand the importance of making a profit.