Lee C. Reno

Consultant, Catalyst4Solutions

Under his consulting brand Catalyst4Solutions, Lee Reno draws from his more than 40 years of experience as an educator, administrator, and executive to serve his private school administrators in the United States and nonsectarian public educators in Asia.

An expert in compliance and accreditation, Lee serves on the State Superintendent Advisory Committee on Chartered Nonpublic Schools and has served on Ohio Department of Education advisory committees for standards and test writing. Since 2015, Lee has served as the Ohio Legislative Advocate for 118 schools with more than 25,700 students in Ohio associated with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

For 30 years Lee has helped schools obtain ACSI/AdvancED accreditation as an evaluator, team leader, and trainer. Lee has worked with schools in Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, New Mexico, and Ohio, most recently serving as interim head of school at Madison Christian School in Columbus. At Madison he developed a curriculum model, trained personnel in the accreditation self-study process, and led the school in revising and writing foundational documents, bylaws, and board governance policies.

Lee expanded to consulting in 2011 after serving 40 years at every level in the Dayton Christian School System: teacher, coach, department chair, assistant principal, principal, and superintendent. He served as executive vice president/COO and interim CFO of the school’s holding company, Legacy Ministries International, from 2002 to 2005, having spent 17 years assisting companies and individuals with financial planning.

On mission with International School Project, Lee has led 15 trips of between 28 and 40 North Americans to Mongolia to train public school teachers and administrators in an Ethics and Morality curriculum. Lee also organized, fundraised, and led two trips to Mongolia to teach Governor’s Leadership Conferences to elected, appointed, and business leaders. He has planned and led presentations and small group discussions on leadership and character development at conferences in China, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic.

He and his wife live in Ohio near their children and grandchildren. Reach Lee for comment or consultation at [email protected].

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