Martin Hutchinson
After spells at the London merchant bank Hill Samuel, Citigroup, and the Swedish investment bank Enskilda Securities, Hutchinson became senior vice president in charge of Creditanstalt-Bankverein’s derivative operations. He later served as a director of Gestion Integral de Negocios, a Spanish private-equity firm, and as an advisor to the Korean conglomerate Sunkyong Corp.
As the U.S. Treasury advisor to Croatia in 1996, Hutchinson helped the country establish its own T-bill program, launch its first government bond issue, and start a forward currency market. He then set up the Corporate Finance Division for the Croatian bank Privredna banka Zagreb.
In 2000, Hutchinson moved into journalism, becoming the business and economics editor at United Press International (UPI). His “Bear’s Lair” column appeared at UPI from 2000 to 2004 on the Prudent Bear website from 2006 to 2014. From 2007 to 2014, Hutchinson was also the emerging markets correspondent for the financial website Reuters BreakingViews. The content at the website appeared frequently in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. From 2007 to 2013, Hutchinson also wrote for the financial website Money Morning. He now regularly publishes articles on his blog, The Bear’s Lair.
Hutchinson has appeared on television on BBC, Fox News, Fox Business, TFN, and RTV Slovenija, and he has lectured at the Cato Institute, Texas Workforce Conference, Institute of Economic Affairs, National Economists Club, and at Princeton University. Hutchinson is the author of the book Great Conservatives (2004) and the coauthor, with Kevin Dowd, of Alchemists of Loss (2010).
Hutchinson earned his undergraduate degree in mathematics from Trinity College in Cambridge and an MBA from Harvard University.
Martin Hutchinson Contributions

- Climate Change
- Environment & Energy