Mary Byrne
Dr. Byrne is a national speaker against the Common Core State Standards Initiative and co-founding member of Missouri Coalition Against Common Core. She has an M.Ed. in curriculum and instructional and a doctorate in special education from Teachers College at Columbia University.
She has spent the past thirty-seven years in education — her first 10 years as a special educator teaching all grade levels from parent-infant programs through K-12; and the last 27 years as an instructor in undergraduate through graduate levels — including work as a coordinator of curriculum, assessment, and accreditation.
She served at Lt. Governor Peter Kinder’s invitation on Missouri’s academic standards work group for secondary social studies constituted by the 2014 Missouri legislation HB 1490 which she originally drafted. Dr. Byrne is a registered lobbyist working on behalf of “uncommon” students and citizens to restore local control of education in the state of Missouri.
Mary Byrne Contributions
- Government & Politics
- Government & Liberty