Neil Seitz

Dean, School of Business and Administration, Saint Louis University

Neil Seitz has been Dean of the School of Business and Administration at Saint Louis University since 1993. He received degrees from Findlay College, the University of Hawaii, and Ohio State University.

Before entering academics, he worked briefly in inventory planning and then acquisition analysis. After teaching at Florida Atlantic University, he joined the finance faculty of Saint Louis University in 1975. He has published six books in a total of 11 English editions, plus one translation, and has published numerous articles as well.

He has also consulted with and contributed to executive development programs for companies spanning the United States, Europe, South America, Australia, and Asia. His primary areas of academic interest are capital investment choice and the management of risk, such as foreign exchange risk, credit risk, and interest rate risk. His most recent book, Capital Budgeting and Long-Term Financing Decisions, 3d. ed., was published by Dryden Press in 1999.

He currently serves on the boards of Magna Investment Funds and Inroads. He also serves on the advisory boards for the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City and Rosati-Kain High School. He serves as chairman of the oversight committee for the Beijing Program of the Association of Jesuit Business Schools.