Tom Harris

Executive Director, International Climate Science Coalition

The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) is a non-partisan group of independent scientists, economists, and energy and policy experts formed in 2008 to promote better understanding of climate science and policy worldwide. The ICSC aims to help create an environment in which a more rational, open discussion about climate issues emerges, thereby moving the debate away from implementation of costly and ineffectual “climate control” measures. ICSC encourages assisting vulnerable peoples to adapt to climate variability and continuing scientific research into the causes and impacts of climate change. 

Mr. Harris lives and works in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He has 30 years’ experience as a mechanical engineer/project manager, science and technology communications professional, and technical trainer. He was science and technology advisor to a former Opposition senior environment critic in Canada’s Parliament. From 2006 to 2008, he was executive director of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (Canada).

In December 2007, Harris and Dr. Robert Carter, formerly of James Cook University in Australia, coordinated an open letter from 100 top climate experts to the Secretary General of United Nations during the Bali Climate Change Conference.

From 2009 to 2011 (four sessions), he taught a total of 1,500 students “Climate Change: an Earth Sciences Perspective,” a second-year course in the Faculty of Sciences at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.

Mr. Harris is perhaps the most frequently cited and interviewed critic of exaggeration and alarmism in the global warming debate, appearing thousands of times on online news forums and being regularly published in newspapers in Canada and the U.S. and occasionally in Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., and other countries. He is often interviewed on radio and TV. A few of many recent media appearances include the following:

May 30, 2014: “Alarmists about climate change seem willing to do whatever it takes to silence other views, St. Cloud Times (Minnesota)

May 29, 2014: “No consensus exists on climate change,” Tulsa Beacon (Oklahoma)

May 21, 2014: “Get real about climate change,” The Providence Journal (Rhode Island)

May 7, 2014: “Nobel Lies are damaging environmentalism,” Times of Oman (the Arab state in southwest Asia)

May 3, 2014: “Nobel Lies are damaging environmentalism,” The Providence Journal (Rhode Island)

March 20, 2014: “Obama, Kerry join Al Gore in the Doctrine of Certainty,” Tulsa Beacon (Oklahoma)

February 21, 2014: “Climate Change: Kerry out of touch with realities,” Nigerian Echo (the African country of Nigeria)

February 13, 2014: “Experts know climate change is still unproven,” Tulsa Beacon (Oklahoma)

February 7, 2014: interviewed on Sun TV as part of a program titled “Green Groups Scrutinized”

February 4, 2014: “Climate rhetoric undermines rational decision-making,” Vancouver Sun

January 29, 2014: comments included in news coverage of Pres. Obama’s State of the Union Address broadcast on SunTV

January 14, 2014: half-hour interview on “Voice of Russia,” the Russian government’s international radio broadcasting service

January 12, 2014: half-hour interview on CKNW radio in Vancouver on reasons that Mr. Braid’s comments are wrong.

January 9, 2014: half-hour interview on CFRA radio in Ottawa and another half-hour on 570 News in Kitchener/Waterloo

January 8, 2014: interviewed on “The Arena” with Michael Coren, Sun News Network (Canada)

December 23, 2013: discussion with Nick Vandergragt, host of Nick@Night Live, on CFRA (Ottawa’s most-heard radio station)

December 21, 2013: CFRA radio in Ottawa, Ontario

December 13, 2013: CJBK radio in London, Ontario

December 1, 2013: “The Roy Green Show” on the Corus radio network across Canada

October 11, 2011: “Global warming, global worries,” Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, Canada

October 6, 2011: “Kill carbon dioxide regulations: Harper still rolling out rules that will waste billions,” Financial Post, National Post, Canada

September 16, 2011: quoted in New York Times coverage of Al Gore’s “24 Hours of Reality” event

September 13, 2011: “Gore’s 24 Hours of Fantasy About To Begin – An effort to ‘expose’ climate change skeptics will instead show that Gore is a charlatan,” Pajamas Media, Los Angeles, California

September 6, 2011: interview with Ezra Levant on “The Source” on Sun Media TV

Tom Harris Contributions

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