America needs John Stossel’s tireless voice for liberty now more than ever. The government has assumed vast new powers, spending is out of control, and individual liberty is in retreat.
John Stossel has exposed these excesses for decades on his way to winning 19 Emmy awards, 5 awards from the National Press Club, and a Peabody award.
You won’t want to miss Stossel’s latest analysis and inside stories from within the mainstream media.
Also help us celebrate the achievements of former Illinois State Representative and gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives, winner of the 2023 Heartland Liberty Prize.
A West Point graduate, Jeanne served six years on active duty as a transportation officer. While raising her children, Ives got involved in politics and served on Wheaton City Council and three terms as an Illinois State Representative where her tenure was marked by conservative leadership and an unwavering commitment to the taxpayers’ bottom line.
Jeanne founded Breakthrough Ideas in 2021 to support the conservative grassroots and break down difficult public policy topics into easier to understand bits of information for voters. She now has her own Chicago radio show on AM560 to further the conservative message.