Al Gore’s latest flick, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” is now being shown in movie theaters across America. Yes, I didn’t notice either. And the same goes for the millions of Americans who took in a movie this past weekend.
Of the estimated $121 million Americans spent at the movies last weekend, less than $1 million was spent on the Gore’s sad grab at political relevancy. Perhaps Gore can take solace in the fact that he narrowly edged out for 15th place another liberal-biased movie, “Cars 3,” which targets children with fossil fuel lies via cute talking cars. No word yet on whether Gore is going to demand a recount.
Despite tens and perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars in free promotion offered by the left-wing media for Gore, Americans didn’t take heed. And after eight straight miserable years of the Obama administration misusing its control of government bureaucracies and schools, assisted every step of the way by the government-aligned left-wing media, the purveyors of climate doom thought they had won the battle of public opinion.
Apparently not. Surveys and independent reviews of the peer-reviewed literature show Al Gore and his alarmist minions have not won the battle of so-called “scientific consensus” – which, by the way, is not how real science operates. For no matter how many scientists believed the Earth was flat in the 1500s, or warned in the 1970s an approaching an Ice Age, or announced that the “Piltdown Chicken” proved birds evolved from dinosaurs, it didn’t change the facts. The Earth is round, the chicken was a hoax, and we aren’t in a dangerous Ice Age yet.
And let’s not excuse or forget how wrong Al Gore has been. In his first film, he predicted catastrophic Antarctic and Greenlandic ice melts and rising sea levels engulfing millions. Instead, Antarctic ice has increased, and Gore even bought a beachfront mansion to prove he didn’t believe it either. Gore also claimed that man-caused global warming would result in more catastrophic hurricanes and tornadoes – but every day that passes sets a new record for a major hurricane failing to strike the US. Tornado activity has actually declined since its recent peak in the 1970s, despite the improved ability to find, track, and measure tornadoes.
Gore also said in his first movie in 2006 that Mount Kilimanjaro would be free of snow on its peak by “the end of the decade.” Guess what? That didn’t happen either. Nor did his prediction that the Arctic would be ice-free by the summer of 2014. Polar bears didn’t get his memo that they are dying off – drowning, as illustrated in the movie by a lonely cartoon polar bear swimming in an Arctic Ocean with no ice floes upon which to rest and hunt. The polar bear population today is larger and healthier that is has been at any time in the last 50 years.
More than 10 years ago, Americans forked over $50 million to listen to the former vice president claim to be a scientist. Since then, most of his predictions have been dead-wrong. Will there be a rising sea of moviegoers rushing into watch the aging Al Gore preach this same sermon again?
I doubt it. Who wants to spend $10 to be lied to a second time by someone whose first film only proved that he has no idea what he is talking about?
[First published in the Washington Examiner.]