Mounting Disobedience In Our Schools
Opinion -School discipline is declining, and the education establishment is clueless about how to improve things. -
The Great Education Escape
Opinion -Student and teacher absences expose the failure of government-run schools; parents must step up. -
The Sandstorm: New Year’s Cheers
Opinion -I recently reported on many of the dreadful happenings in the education realm as we kick off the new year, but there have also been some promising turns. -
The Sandstorm: New Year’s Jeers
Opinion -As 2025 kicks off, there is no end to the bad news in the public education sector. -
The Sandstorm: Still Stupid In America
Opinion -America’s government-run school system is failing. -
The Sandstorm: Minimizing The State As Co-Parent
Opinion -The government’s intrusion into family affairs, notably in educating children, is very troubling; microschools are a way out. -
The Sandstorm: How Will Trump Handle Education Policy?
Opinion -I don’t know. You don’t either. -
The Sandstorm: Unlike Its Membership, Teacher Union Leaders Are Far Left
Opinion -Union bosses ignore the rank and file on political issues. -
The Sandstorm: Indoctri-Nation
Opinion -Public schools continue to be ground zero for culture wars. -
The Sandstorm: Extending Tax-Credit Scholarships
Opinion -If the government must have a presence in our education system, tax-credit scholarships should be available nationally. -
The Sandstorm: Windy City Wickedness
Opinion -Chicago is loaded with problems, many of which emanate from the city’s leadership. -
Transparency at State Universities
Opinion -Government does not need to get more involved with education. It needs to leave this industry to the truly private sector and the full discipline of free markets. -
Why Are American Taxpayers Forced to Subsidize and Support the Prussian Education System?
Opinion -In the 19th century, the United States started adopting the Prussian education system that covers primary school to university education. It is a government-supported and government-controlled system of education. While some alternative education systems are not forbidden, they face unfair competition from the Prussian education system as its institutions are either partially or fully financed […] -
America’s Children Are Not Well, and Their Schools Are a Big Part of the Problem
Opinion -Gen Z-ers and the newest crop—Generation Alpha—are struggling, and schools are the focal point of the problem. -
A Tumultuous School Year Winds Down
Opinion -As the school year nears completion, a quick look at recent developments shows an education system in turmoil. -
Outrageous: Chicago Teachers Union Demands $50 Billion in Pay Hikes Among Other Perks
Opinion -Despite a decline in student academic performance across the CPS system and the fact that Chicago is broke, CTU has the audacity to demand $50 billion in pay raises and silly pet projects that will almost assuredly have no impact on student performance but will have a large impact on nebulous social justice causes supported by CTU. -
Florida’s New ‘History of Communism’ Law Is a Model All States Should Follow
Opinion -I spent five years teaching U.S. history, world history, and American government, during which I chronically witnessed what I can only describe as “socialist indoctrination” from most of my colleagues. In many cases, blatantly pro-socialist ideology was being masqueraded as “giving both sides.” -
Gold Hill School: A Symbol of Freedom in Colorado
Opinion -When schools, such as the Gold Hill school, deliver quality education at a reasonable cost, citizens support them. -
Classroom Warfare
Opinion -While additional counselors who can reason with youthful offenders may help in some cases, it is not a fix that will always work. -
The School Funding Fraud
Opinion -We are led to believe that the cheapskate American taxpayers are not forking over enough cash to the government school monopoly. -
School Choice Keeps Spreading
Opinion -What’s good for children and their families is problematic for the teachers’ unions and their fellow travelers. -
‘A Nation At Risk’ Sounded Alarms About Public Education Over 40 Years Ago, but We Keep Hitting the Snooze Button
Opinion -The report famously asserted, “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might have viewed it as an act of war.” -
Happy National School Choice Week
Opinion -For most Americans, school choice is a commonsense policy that places parents, not education bureaucrats, in charge of their children’s education. This is the crux of the matter.