Child Safety Accounts: A State-by-State Analysis

Published March 9, 2020

In big cities and small towns across the United States, bullying, teen suicide, sexual harassment, and other forms of violence targeting students are far too common. In the wake of these tragedies, parents and education analysts are looking for ways to ensure no child is forced to remain in an unsafe school.

The answer is simple: Child Safety Accounts, an idea developed by The Heartland Institute.

Policy Analyst Tim Benson has created a CSA profile for nearly every state and the District of Columbia. Two states were omitted: Ohio, because specific data is not available at this time, and Florida, because the Sunshine State implemented the Hope Scholarship, a safety-centric education choice program, in 2018.

A Research & Commentary document on each state can be downloaded from the Freedom Pub blog at The Heartland Institute.

Staff reports

Internet Info

Lennie Jarratt, “Child Safety Accounts: A State by State Analysis,” The Heartland Institute, January 30, 2020: