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Watch Heartland’s Climate Conference
The Heartland Institute
This Thursday, The Heartland Institute hosted its 13th International Conference on Climate Change at the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. If you missed the event or live-stream, visit the conference webpage to watch.
Frank Lasee Elected President of Heartland
Jim Lakely
The Heartland Institute
The Board of Directors of The Heartland Institute on Tuesday unanimously elected Frank Lasee as the third president in the organization’s history. “I am excited about leading the Heartland Institute to greater influence,” Lasee said.
Rep. McClintock Rebukes AOC at ICCC-13
Penny Starr
Breitbart News
Rep. Tom McClintock’s (R-CA) luncheon keynote address at Heartland’s climate conference attacked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ’12 years to live’ mantra, stating humans actually have another 4.5 billion years to live.
Countering the Climate Narrative
Host: Tom Harris
Guest: H. Sterling Burnett
In this special edition, Policy Advisor Tom Harris interviews Heartland Institute Senior Fellow and Managing Editor H. Sterling Burnett on his radio program “Exploratory Journeys.”
Looking for ‘Market Urbanism’
Host: Joe Barnett
Guest: Scott Beyer
Scott Beyer joins the podcast to talk about his three-year cross-country trip, during which he lived in 30 different cities for a month each to write a book about urban revitalization.
Life Insurance, Your Lifesaver?
Host: AnneMarie Schieber
Guest: Dana Goldman
Dana Goldman discusses how life insurance can be used to pay for health care costs late in life, and how the life insurance industry is currently warming to that interesting new idea.
Hypocrite Sanders Doesn’t Pay $15/Hr
Justin Haskins
Fox News
Self-styled socialist revolutionary – and millionaire – Sen. Bernie Sanders tries to portray himself as the savior of low-wage workers, but the low-wage workers toiling away to put him in the White House disagree.
Tobacco Harm Reduction 101: A Guidebook
Lindsey Stroud
Policy Brief
This policy booklet aims to inform key stakeholders, including policymakers, about THR products, specifically e-cigarettes and vaping devices, while debunking many of the myths associated with e-cigarettes.
A Solution To Payday Loan ‘Debt Trap’
Joe Barnett
Government paternalism consists not only of giving people things they didn’t pay for, but also in preventing people from making decisions that, in the benevolent judgment of bureaucrats, aren’t in their best interest.
Media Abandons Journalism for Activism
H. Sterling Burnett
American Spectator
Contrary to the mainstream media drumbeat, there is no consensus that catastrophic climate change is happening and humans are causing it. Yet the media uncritically presents it as settled fact.
Nike Caves to Political Correctness
Chris Talgo
Las Vegas Sun
If we agree with Colin Kaepernick’s logic, virtually every historic relic from every country should be reassessed on the grounds of whether it is an offensive symbol that somehow perpetuates racism.
Government: Great Servant, Horrible Master
Jeffrey Foss
Stopping Socialism
There is a historical lesson here for any of us who would entrust our sustenance, security, and happiness to government. History teaches us that when governments go bad, they can really stink.
Telehealth Provides Accessible Care
Matthew Glans
Policy Brief
Telehealth reform has the possibility to get care to parts of the country that desperately need it without the problem of distance. This brief examines how these services can improve the cost and availability of care.
President Takes Aim at Health Care Costs
Bonner Cohen
Health Care News
President Trump directed the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to spearhead a multiagency effort to assist patients in making informed decisions when addressing their health care needs.
From JFK to Trump: A Rising Tide’
Chris Talgo
In a 1963 speech, President John F. Kennedy said, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” In 2019, JFK’s words ring more true than ever. We are in the midst of an unprecedented economic expansion raising all American’s wealth.