Climate Change Weekly #141
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According to Professor John Christy, director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama/Huntsville, October 1 marked the 18th anniversary of no warming as measured by Earth’s climate satellite system.
Despite a continued and marked rise in emissions and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, Earth’s temperature has plateaued for the past 18 years.
Christy told CNS News, “That’s basically a fact. There’s not much to comment on.”
Christy and former NASA scientist Roy Spencer compiled raw temperature data collected from 14 instruments aboard various weather satellites. The data show no warming. While all of the climate models used by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicted steeply rising temperatures over the past two decades, the data show they were wrong.
The gap between the data and the model projections shows scientists have a very limited understanding of the complexity of the climate system and the factors that affect climate changes. And because the model projections were all wrong in one direction – all projecting ongoing, increasing warming – the assumptions were biased toward predicting warming.
Christy says it is “a fool’s errand” to base government policies affecting millions of Americans and billions of people around the world on these badly flawed models.
CNS News quotes Christy saying:
Our ignorance is simply enormous when it comes to the climate system, and our understanding is certainly not strong and solid enough to make policy about climate because we don’t even know what it’s going to do, so how can we make a policy that says ‘I want to make the climate do something’ when we don’t know what makes the climate do what it does?
A policy is supposed to have a goal. Well, if you don’t know how the system works, that means you don’t know how to make it go toward that goal. And that’s certainly the case now, since none of the climate models are able to tell us what the future is going to be. They’ve certainly failed in the past. And so the policy is really a fool’s errand at this point.
The satellite temperature measurements mean an entire class of teens have graduated high school, during a period of alarmist-induced climate hysteria, having experienced no measurable global warming during their lifetimes.
— H. Sterling Burnett
Nature: Ditch 20ºC warming goal … Walrus gathering not climate-related … Fracking: Warming alarmists’ best friend … Pre-1950s’ temperature data unreliable, “artificially fattened” … TV news: Play up disaster, downplay uncertainty
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David Victor, professor of international relations at the University of California, San Diego, and Charles Kennel, atmospheric scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, write in the science journal Nature it’s time to ditch the goal of limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius. The two-degree goal was proposed at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference. Victor and Kennel, among others, say the goal is likely unachievable, but more importantly, rather than focus on some arbitrary temperature goal, they argue we should focus on scientifically defensible ways to measure the stress humans place on the climate system. Only when meaningful goals are set can scientists and politicians develop and justify the enormous investments needed to protect the environment.
SOURCE: Watts Up With That
An October 1 Associated Press report linking a mass gathering of walruses (called a haulout) in a single, relatively small area to shrinking sea ice resulting from global warming is pure speculative fiction. Walruses have been known to gather in mass herds since the 1600s when the first Europeans came across them. Past gatherings have been larger and longer lasting. AP reported a similar haulout in 2007. Numbering more than 200,000, walruses are not endangered. Their population has doubled since the 1950s.
SOURCE: Climate Depot
An editorial in Investor’s Business Daily advises global warming alarmists to embrace fracking as the natural gas revolution it sparked and underwrites has resulted in a significant decline in greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector. United States electric power carbon intensity fell by 13 percent between 2007 and 2012, almost entirely due to the increasing use of natural gas for electricity generation. Fracking and horizontal drilling combined have had a greater effect in reducing CO2 emissions than any other technological breakthrough.
SOURCE: Investor’s Business Daily
A paper published in Nature Climate Change claims the HADCRUT global temperature database has significant flaws due to poor coverage prior to the 1950s. HADCRUT is used as the basis for all other land-based temperature databases. According to the paper, the flaws are so great global temperature trends cannot be reliably determined prior to 1950, making the data and trends “meaningless” and “artificially flattened.”
SOURCE: The Hockeyschtick blog
A new report by Oxford University’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism finds television news sources play up disaster scenarios and downplay issues of scientific uncertainty, benefits of global warming, and opportunities for solving the problems. The report reviewed coverage by leading television news programs in Australia, Brazil, Britain, China, Germany, and India, finding they exaggerated pessimism by commonly framing reports about the science of global warming in terms of crisis.