
  • 10/1997: The Voucher Voice

    Published October 1, 1997
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    National Training Workshop Scheduled On October 28-30 in Bentonville, Arkansas, CEO America will present an information-packed workshop for persons interested in starting a privately funded voucher program.
  • Administration Set to Crack Down on ‘Attempted Environmental Crimes’

    Published October 1, 1997
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    In a bid to broaden the scope of the Federal government's approach to environmental enforcement, President Clinton and some Members of Congress want to outlaw "attempted environmental crimes.
  • CAFE Standards, Consumers Set for Head-On Collision

    Published October 1, 1997
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    As the Clinton administration's global warming team considers ways to reduce emissions of man-made greenhouse gases, federal regulators and environmental groups appear more than willing to lend a helping hand: They want to drive minivans and sport
  • Energy Tax Resurfaces in Global Warming Debate

    Published October 1, 1997
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    Only weeks before a global warming treaty protocol is scheduled to be signed in Kyoto, Japan, it appears that the Clinton administration favors imposing new energy taxes on American consumers as a way to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • EPA’s ‘Dirty Little Secrets’ on Clean Air Revealed

    Published October 1, 1997
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    With EPA's new standards for particulate matter (PM) and ground-level ozone still facing Congressional and legal challenges, the debate over how the agency developed and justified its latest regulatory initiative continues.
  • Maine Families Challenge Exclusion of Religious Schools

    Published October 1, 1997
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    In a case that could set an important precedent for state education programs that discriminate against religious schools, the Washington, DC-based Institute for Justice has filed a lawsuit challenging the exclusion of religious schools from Maine’s
  • New Poll Shows Increased Support for Vouchers

    Published October 1, 1997
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    Showing a sharp increase over last year, the idea of using tax money to send students to private and parochial schools is now favored by a majority of parents with children in public schools.
  • Oregon Eliminates Tenure

    Published October 1, 1997
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    Lawmakers in the Beaver State toppled a pillar of union protectionism when they eliminated teacher tenure in a bill signed by Democratic Governor John A. Kitzhaber on August 15.
  • Redbook Blasts Unions for Bad Teachers

    Published October 1, 1997
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    “Bad or incompetent teachers may be verbally or even physically abusive. They may not know the subject matter, or be unable to communicate it. They may be incapable of running an orderly class or may be lazy or burned out.
  • Senate: Insist that the Science “Be There” on Global Warming

    Published October 1, 1997
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    Dr. S. Fred Singer is president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project in Fairfax, Virginia.
  • Stop Funding Bureaucracy, Congress Told

    Published October 1, 1997
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    Members of Congress were recently reminded that U.S. taxpayers have spent more than $100 billion on Title I, special education, and bilingual programs that do not help and even harm some children.
  • ‘Super Rice’ set to Feed Millions of Hungry Asians

    Published October 1, 1997
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    For the second time in three decades, science is on the verge of providing a way to feed rapidly rising populations in the world's poorer countries.
  • Taking on the Teachers’ Unions

    Published October 1, 1997
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    Last year, an arbitrator found that the California Teachers Association had overcharged agency fee payers over $7 million and ordered proportional rebates to more than 700 teachers who had objected to the union’s calculation of compelled agency fees as
  • Teachers File Suit against Washington Union

    Published October 1, 1997
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    On June 24, a group of ten teachers filed suit against the Washington Education Association for taking money from their paychecks without permission and using the funds to pay for the union’s political lobbying activities.
  • The Education Industry

    Published October 1, 1997
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    The Education Industry Report, from the St.
  • What Parents Demand

    Published October 1, 1997
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    “We are asking the Denver District Court to do what DPS and the teachers union won’t,” declare Sharlot Smith and John Wilkins, co-chairs of the Denver Parents Association and plaintiffs in a class-action suit filed against the Denver Public Schools.
  • Idaho’s Voice for Parents in Education

    Published September 1, 1997
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    Dr. Anne C. Fox was elected the state of Idaho's Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1994.
  • Clinton Backs EPA’s Tough New Air Quality Standards

    Published August 1, 1997
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    Lest anyone think that President Clinton would listen to the labor wing of the Democratic Party and urge EPA Administrator Carol Browner to back away from her agency’s hard-line proposals to curb ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter, the
  • EPA, States Clash over Environmental Policies

    Published August 1, 1997
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    State legislatures and regulatory agencies have begun to assert their authority to set environmental priorities for their respective states.
  • DOE Report: Climate Treaty Will Devastate U.S. Industries

    Published August 1, 1997
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    In the most comprehensive study to date examining the potential economic effects of a climate change treaty, a report released on July 15 by the U.S.
  • Falcons’ Birth Recorded in Conn.

    Published August 1, 1997
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    For the first time in five decades, the birth of peregrine falcons was documented in June by Connecticut state environment officials. Three chicks were discovered in a nest on the Travelers Tower in downtown Hartford.
  • Heritage Rivers Initiative Draws Hail of Protests

    Published August 1, 1997
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    A Clinton administration initiative said to be aimed at revitalizing the nation's river communities has run into stiff opposition from property rights advocates who fear that beneath the sheepskin is the wolf of a federal land grab.
  • Massachusetts Considers Toxics Legislation

    Published August 1, 1997
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    Massachusetts state legislators are considering a bill that would require the state’s Department of Public Health to create and make available to the public a Toxic Effects Warning List.
  • OMB Seeks Public Comment on Report on Cost of Regulations

    Published August 1, 1997
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    Alarmed by the rising cost of new federal regulations, Congress included a provision in the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1996 requiring the White House Office of Management & Budget (OMB) to prepare by September 30, 1997 an accounting

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