
  • Quality of Environment Improving Dramatically

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The quality of the environment in the U.S. and Canada is getting better, not worse, according to a study released in late April by the Pacific Research Institute and Fraser Institute.
  • U.S. Soldiers Preparing for Green Mission in Latin America

    Published July 1, 1997
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    If the Pentagon and the State Department have their way, American soldiers attached to the U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom) will soon become warriors for the environment. In at least 32 Latin American and Caribbean nations, members of the U.S.
  • Update on Environmental Legislation and Regulations

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The following summary of pending legislation and recent regulatory decisions is provided by arrangement with The National Coalition for Public Lands and Natural Resources, a nonprofit 501(c)6 corporation advocating continued multiple use on public lands.
  • Congress Fails to Use Review Power to Reform Regs

    Published July 1, 1997
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    It may not be an 800-pound gorilla, but Congress last year passed legislation, later signed into law by President Clinton, that, if properly used, may turn out to be a 350-pound gorilla--something overzealous regulators will no longer be able to ignore.
  • Chemical Companies Set Ambitious Emissions Reduction Goals

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The United States chemical industry has undertaken an ambitious program designed to reduce emissions from large and small facilities alike.
  • World Population Growth Slows

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The population explosion so many professional doomsayers confidently predicted only a few years ago appears to be little more than a fizzle. According to the United States Census Bureau, the world's population grew by only 79.6 million people in 1996.
  • PBS Program Examines Nuclear Power

    Published July 1, 1997
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    In April, the PBS broadcast an hour-long Frontline report titled “Nuclear Reaction.” Here are some of the points made during the program. The energy from nuclear power is in very concentrated form.
  • The Dangerous Greening of American Foreign Policy

    Published July 1, 1997
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    Dr. Henry Miller was trained as a physician and molecular biologist.
  • Associated Press Article Links Chemicals to Early Puberty

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The Associated Press recently reported on a study alleging that American girls reach puberty earlier than commonly believed, with nearly half of black girls and 15 percent of white girls beginning to develop sexually by age 8.
  • Falling Cancer Rates Are Evidence that Synthetic Chemicals Pose No Threat to Public Health

    Published July 1, 1997
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    Dr. Bruce Ames and Dr. Lois Swirsky Gold, scientists with the National Institute of Environmental Health Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, came before the U.S.
  • Alaska Health Dept. Challenges Jacobson PCB Findings

    Published July 1, 1997
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    The February 27, 1997 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine prints a letter from the Alaska Division of Public Health that casts new doubt on a study often cited by activists for tighter regulation of water quality. John P. Middaugh M.D.
  • Ethanol Tax Incentives Produce Little Environmental Benefit, GAO Reports

    Published July 1, 1997
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    A new report by the U.S. General Accounting Office finds that billions of dollars in subsidies and tax exemptions for alcohol fuels have failed either to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign sources of oil or to benefit the environment.
  • Environmental Regulations Can Be Made User Friendly

    Published July 1, 1997
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    Local land use and environmental regulations can be made much more user-friendly without sacrificing community objectives. Here are a few ways suggested by John L. Gann Jr.
  • Food Supply Up, Prices Fall

    Published July 1, 1997
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    Bumper crops in the United States, Canada, and even Latin America have sent 1997 world agricultural price levels back to where they were in 1995.
  • Against the Tide

    Published June 20, 1997
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    After Governor Edgar nominated black conservative Lee H.
  • Death of Tax Hike Is a Victory for Kids

    Published June 17, 1997
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    Too bad Bernie wasn't here to see it. Last week, a plan to increase Illinois' income tax died in the Revenue Committee of the Senate.
  • GAO: Superfund Cleanup Pace Slows

    Published June 1, 1997
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    Superfund, the nation's costly and singularly unloved hazardous waste cleanup program, has few supporters save for the legions of lawyers who have made small fortunes exploiting the statute’s vast litigation web.
  • Environmentalism at Odds with Free Trade?

    Published June 1, 1997
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    At the inaugural meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Singapore last December, proponents of linking strict international environmental standards clashed with supporters of free trade.
  • Environmental Compliance: Full Immunity Is Key

    Published June 1, 1997
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    In the Great Lakes State, we have enjoyed one of the most remarkable economic runs in our history over the last few years. Unemployment has fallen to record lows and the number of people with jobs has risen to record highs.
  • Emerging Water Markets Help Reduce Shortages

    Published June 1, 1997
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    One of the most pervasive fears on the minds of millions of people throughout the world is the fear of an imminent water shortage. Some see this as proof that the world is running out of water. Not so! is the emphatic reassurance from Terry L.
  • Environmental Regulations Blamed for California Floods

    Published June 1, 1997
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    One of the most destructive floods in recent California memory--one that caused three deaths and over $2 billion in damages--is being attributed to the regulatory zeal of federal and state agencies rigidly enforcing environmental regulations, notably the
  • Documents Reveal Internal Criticism of EPA Enforcement Policies

    Published June 1, 1997
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    Internal EPA documents released April 2 as a result of a lawsuit reveal that the agency’s own consultants are highly critical of methodology employed by EPA in computing proposed fines in enforcement cases.
  • Farm State Senators Caution Gore on Proposed Climate Treaty

    Published June 1, 1997
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    A bipartisan group of farm state senators has written Vice President Al Gore saying they are "increasingly concerned with the lack of adequate attention given to agricultural concerns" in the administration's plans to sign a climate change treaty later
  • EPA’s WasteWi$e Program Highlights Others’ Efforts

    Published June 1, 1997
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    WasteWi$e is an EPA effort that encourages businesses to develop comprehensive waste reduction programs. WasteWi$e recently announced its 1996 Program Champions.

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