
  • If You Love Our Children, It’s Time to Find Alternatives to Public Schools

    Published June 1, 1997
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    The country's growing private school voucher movement owes its birth and a large part of its success to J. Patrick Rooney, chairman emeritus of Golden Rule Insurance Company.
  • AFL-CIO Breaks With Administration on Climate Change Treaty

    Published June 1, 1997
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    In a major setback for the Clinton administration's climate change policies, the Executive Committee of the AFL-CIO has declared its opposition to a proposed treaty, currently under negotiation, that would impose legally binding limits on emissions of
  • Air Pollution and Asthma: Look Again

    Published June 1, 1997
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    The disturbing spread of asthma in Europe and the U.S. over the last several decades has prompted many observers to see a link between this chronic and debilitating disease and high levels of air pollution.
  • CAFE Standards Issue Resurfaces on Capitol Hill

    Published June 1, 1997
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    In a bid to preempt regulatory action on the part of the U.S.
  • Citing Lack of Data, EPA Calls for More Study of Endocrine Receptors

    Published June 1, 1997
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    In its first evaluation of the scientific research on the effects of endocrine disruptors on human health and the environment, EPA has determined that the controversial subject warrants further study.
  • Water Policy Remains Unresolved International Issue

    Published June 1, 1997
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    Californians are not the only ones wrestling with the age-old question of water.
  • Illinois’ Bald Eagle Count Soars

    Published June 1, 1997
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    The once-endangered bald eagle is continuing its remarkable comeback in Illinois, with a 42 percent increase in this winter’s population. The Illinois Natural Resources Department counted a record 2,459 bald eagles in the annual mid-winter survey.
  • Sea Grant Releases Dioxin Study

    Published June 1, 1997
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    A new study conducted by Richard E.
  • Panel Finds Environmental Education Lacking in Science

    Published June 1, 1997
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    A report issued April 2 by a panel of scientists, economists, and educators concludes that many environmental education materials used in the nation's schools do not give students enough science and economics to enable them to understand the complex
  • ‘. . . the Most Massive Abuse of Science I Have Seen.’

    Published June 1, 1997
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    Putting science in the service of a pre-determined political agenda has become business as usual in Washington. The consequences of this institutional dishonesty have been devastating.
  • Controversy Erupts Over PCBs in the Great Lakes

    Published June 1, 1997
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    EPA and the state of Michigan are locked in an increasingly bitter battle over whether public health officials of the upper Midwestern state should issue a special health advisory warning residents of possible dangers emanating from minute residues of
  • Congressional Review of Rulemaking Begins

    Published June 1, 1997
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    Though little noticed at the time, the 104th Congress did succeed in passing legislation--later signed into law by President Clinton--that holds out the real prospect of a vastly improved regulatory climate in the years to come.
  • Split PM, Ozone Proposals

    Published June 1, 1997
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    TNRCC’s Commissioners on March 6 agreed to recommend to EPA officials that they separate the proposed ground-level ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) revision from the proposal for regulating fine particulate matter (PM 2.
  • New Research Questions Basis for Proposed Clean Air Standards

    Published June 1, 1997
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    As the nationwide debate continues over whether to tighten air quality standards, a body of scientific research has emerged that calls into question many of the assumptions underlying EPA's proposal on particulate matter (PM) and ground-level ozone.
  • Major Temperature Indicators Show No Global Warming

    Published June 1, 1997
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    As residents of the Upper Midwest cope with the aftermath of devastating floods brought on by the melting of record amounts of snowfall this winter, climatological data from a variety of independent sources continue to belie predictions of a feared
  • New FDA Tobacco Regulations Raise Constitutional Questions

    Published June 1, 1997
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    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently proposed tobacco advertising regulations that, in light of a recent Supreme Court decision, raise far-reaching Constitutional questions.
  • Most Economists Reject Global Warming Petition

    Published June 1, 1997
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    A highly publicized effort by proponents of the theory of global warming to enlist the support of the nation's economists has fallen well short of the mark.
  • Supreme Court Allows Landowners Hurt by ESA to Sue

    Published June 1, 1997
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    In a landmark victory for farmers, ranchers, and other private property owners, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on March 19 that persons adversely affected by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) can sue the government.
  • Great Lakes Environmental Controversies Heat Up

    Published June 1, 1997
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    An ambitious, 25-year-old federal effort aimed at reducing water pollution in the Great Lakes region has undergone a steady erosion in public confidence in recent years.
  • EPA’s WasteWi$e Program Highlights Others’ Efforts

    Published June 1, 1997
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    WasteWi$e is an EPA effort that encourages businesses to develop comprehensive waste reduction programs. WasteWi$e recently announced its 1996 Program Champions.
  • Farm State Senators Caution Gore on Proposed Climate Treaty

    Published June 1, 1997
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    A bipartisan group of farm state senators has written Vice President Al Gore saying they are "increasingly concerned with the lack of adequate attention given to agricultural concerns" in the administration's plans to sign a climate change treaty later
  • Documents Reveal Internal Criticism of EPA Enforcement Policies

    Published June 1, 1997
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    Internal EPA documents released April 2 as a result of a lawsuit reveal that the agency’s own consultants are highly critical of methodology employed by EPA in computing proposed fines in enforcement cases.
  • Environmental Regulations Blamed for California Floods

    Published June 1, 1997
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    One of the most destructive floods in recent California memory--one that caused three deaths and over $2 billion in damages--is being attributed to the regulatory zeal of federal and state agencies rigidly enforcing environmental regulations, notably the
  • Emerging Water Markets Help Reduce Shortages

    Published June 1, 1997
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    One of the most pervasive fears on the minds of millions of people throughout the world is the fear of an imminent water shortage. Some see this as proof that the world is running out of water. Not so! is the emphatic reassurance from Terry L.

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