Remembering Ronald Reagan’s American Exceptionalism

Published February 13, 2017

If you don’t visit Freedom Pub and the Heartlander digital magazine every day, you’re missing out on some of the best news and commentary on liberty and free markets you can find. But worry not, freedom lovers! Heartland Weekly is here for you every Monday with a highlight show. Subscribe to the email today, and read this week’s edition below.

‘Rush Revere’ Series Relates History to Real Life
Jay Lehr, The Heartland Institute
The creativity in the story written by Rush Limbaugh is pronounced. The author parallels modern-day activities with the adventures experienced by the students of fictional history teacher Rush Revere, who is accompanied by his time-traveling horse, Liberty. The students benefit from what they learn as they visit historical locations and events, such as Bunker Hill, the Battle of Concord, and the creation of the Declaration of Independence. READ MORE

Push for Maryland Fracking Ban Is Based on Bad Science
Isaac Orr, RealClearEnergy
In 2015, Maryland legislators imposed a two-year statewide moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas by overriding Gov. Larry Hogan’s (R) veto of the legislation. Now, legislators from Baltimore seem determined to enact a complete ban on fracking, but their claims fracking will contaminate water and threaten public health are scientifically baseless. The only thing a fracking ban would accomplish is denying much-needed economic opportunities to people living in Western Maryland. READ MORE

Remembering Ronald Reagan’s American Exceptionalism
S.T. Karnick, Freedom Pub
This 106th anniversary of the birth of Ronald Reagan provides an apt occasion to reflect on what was surely a keystone of the 40th president’s thoughts on government: the idea of American Exceptionalism. Reagan’s belief in American exceptionalism was central to this hope and faith in the American people. He restored that concept to the national vocabulary at a time when many Americans – and certainly the nation’s political, educational, and cultural elites – had lost sight of it. READ MORE

Featured Podcast: Jim Lakely on Heartland’s 12th International Conference on Climate Change
Jim Lakely, director of communications for The Heartland Institute, discusses planning for The Heartland Institute’s 12th International Conference on Climate Change, which will be held at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC on Thursday and Friday, March 23–24. The conference aims to educate members of the new Trump administration concerning the costs of climate policies pursued by the Obama administration, and the science they ignored showing the world does not face a human caused climate crisis. LISTEN TO MORE

The most important conference on climate change held in 2017 is taking place on Thursday and Friday, March 23–24, in Washington DC. An all-star line-up of scientists, economists, and elected officials will explain how and why the Trump administration should reset climate policy away from the fake science and alarmism of the Obama years and toward real science and data. Speakers include Don Easterbrook, Ph.D. (Western Washington University), Myron Ebell (Competitive Enterprise Institute), Bette Grande (former state legislator, ND), Mary Hutzler (Institute for Energy Research), Patrick Michaels, Ph.D. (Cato Institute), Lord Christopher Monckton, Willie Soon, Ph.D. (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), and many others. Space is limited, so reserve your place today! SUBSCRIBE HERE

Moscow Sees Its Coldest Christmas in 120 Years
Jon Basil Utley, The American Conservative
Heartland friend Jon Utley has an excellent piece in The American Conservative. We’ve all heard of “fake news.” Worse is “no news” – or when the mainstream media, always quick to report on record heat, ignores what is a record cold winter in many parts of the world. Writes Utley: “Moscow has had a record-busting winter, including the coldest Christmas in 120 years according to Russian reports. Yet there is nothing on CNN. Poland and much of Eastern Europe also are having a record cold winter. It is not reported. Also in the Southern Hemisphere were record cold winters in 2016 and cool following summers in Perth, Australia and New Zealand, which had the coldest winter in a hundred years. Similarly, in 2016 Brazil had the coldest winter in 22 years.” READ MORE

Environment & Climate News: House Acts to Rein in Regulatory Agencies
The March edition of Environment and Climate News is now available online in PDF form. Read about the introduction of the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act (REINS Act), which will hold both the executive branch and Congress more accountable to the people for their unnecessary and costly regulations. READ MORE

We Have a New Education Secretary!
Teresa Mull, School Choice Weekly
Betsy DeVos, a long-time supporter of charter schools and voucher programs who most recently served as chairwoman of the American Federation for Children, a school choice advocacy group, has been confirmed as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education after some contentious proceedings. Every Senate Democrat voted against her, as did two Republicans. Vice President Michael Pence cast a historic vote to break the 50–50 tie and get DeVos across the finish line. READ MORE

How Cruz Can Stomp Sanders in the Obamacare Debate
Michael Hamilton, Consumer Power Report
On February 7, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) took on Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in a debate on CNN about the future of Obamacare. Naturally, it was a blowout in favor of Cruz, who easily dismantled the arguments of the socialist poster boy. Read Hamilton’s predictions prior to the televised debate, in which he pulls at the weakest links within the massive iron chain that is Obamacare. READ MORE

Bonus Podcast: Josh Blackman: Unpacking Trump’s Executive Order on Obamacare
Josh Blackman, associate professor at South Texas College of Law in Houston, joined Health Care News Managing Editor Michael Hamilton to unpack the implications of Donald Trump’s executive order on Obamacare. The order instructs executive departments and agencies to slow implementation of the law. Blackman and Hamilton discuss the constitutionality of the order and talk about the slew of executive actions Barack Obama signed to keep the Affordable Care Act on life support. LISTEN TO MORE

No, Bill. Climate Change Does Not “Put Civilizations at Risk”
H. Sterling Burnett, American Spectator
In a recent article appearing in Wired, radical anti-fossil-fuel activist Bill McKibben claimed human actions are putting civilization at risk. He’s right, but the source of the risk is not the one McKibben is worried about. Civilization is not in danger because of alleged human-caused climate change, but rather because McKibben and his ilk propose to end fossil-fuel use as part of their efforts to control the weather 100 years from now. READ MORE

Cuomo’s ‘Free’ College Proposal Nothing More than a Welfare Program for the Upper Middle Class
Tim Benson, RedState
In what appears to be the opening salvo in his reelection campaign for 2018, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) is introducing a plan costing $163 million annually to provide “free” tuition at all Empire State public colleges and universities for students whose families earn up to $125,000 a year. While this proposal will theoretically make it possible for more poor New York kids to attend college, it is useful to remember the old adage that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. READ MORE