carbon dioxide
Climate Change Weekly #512: Carbon Dioxide Levels and Warming Aren’t a Problem, New Study Says
Opinion -CLINTEL's research directly refutes claims made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report. -
Climate Change Weekly #508: On Extreme Weather, the More We Learn, the More We Know How Little We Knew Before (and Still Don’t Know)
Opinion -In contrast to many climate scientists and writers with the mainstream media covering climate change, Albert Einstein expressed modesty with regard to his knowledge. -
Climate Change Weekly #504: Climate Solutions Cause Environmental Damage and Hazards
Opinion -The air and water quality in China is another daily reminder of the perils of communism for human well-being and the environment. -
Climate Change Weekly #503: Official Temperature Data Isn’t ‘Data’ At All
Opinion -Even before our first surface stations report in 2009, The Heartland Institute led the way in reporting on problems with the surface temperature record. -
Climate Change Weekly #487: Study Suggests Causes of Climate Change Beyond CO2
Opinion -Research recently published in the journal Atmosphere concludes that carbon dioxide is only one possible forcing factor driving recent climate changes, and probably not the dominant one.