Time Magazine Signed ‘Don’t Change’ in the Legacy Media’s Yearbook of Failure and Death

Published February 7, 2025

The media was totally in the bag for the Dems in the 1990s, and made a glowing cover for Bill Clinton and Al Gore before they were even elected. Then they did another glamor shot for Bill in 2012. And we all now know the Clinton Global Initiative was a scam, so that hits different in 2025.

Time Magazine put out a cover this week in an attempt to divide Elon and Trump. They even asked Trump about it and lefty media said he looked “mad” that Time Magazine put Elon behind the Resolute Desk in the image. These tactics won’t work.

The fact that Time pulls something like that this week shows you how all of the legacy media is opposing Trump and Musk. And it also shows you who they are really working for. It’s not the American people.

Regular apolitical Americans are happy to learn for the first time, and not from our legacy media, that billions of dollars of their hard-earned labor is being used for a taxpayer-perpetuating funding machine among lefty NGOs. None of them are accountable and none have never been publicly audited, yet all are sustained by politicians who keep the machine going … decade after decade. Those days are over.

A real media, a “free press,” would be championing the exposure of this fraud and waste — and even waiting with rapt anticipation for what Elon Musk’s DOGE project might find in our entitlement programs. Surely, there are many billions of savings to be found by just pulling up the tallest weeds by the roots, right?

But the legacy media is not objective, or even curious. It is resisting every single attempt to rein in even the most-absurd wasteful spending. They are either culturally in the tank for the left/Blob/DNC — the networks and CNN/MSNBC — or they are supported by “dark money” that is laundered because taxpayers are the source that his hidden, and we can’t have the people know that truth.

If this country had a media that served the people instead of the state, Time Magazine should have a cover photo of Musk and Trump smiling and declare them the “Agents of America’s Restoration.” We will not get that. And the result will be that America’s legacy media as we’ve known it for decades will finally die in the next few years.

It had one last chance to live by doing the right and honst thing. But instead chose to die by suicide … slowly bleeding out for all to see. The people will not mourn it.

We are only a few weeks into the exposure of the utter corruption of the government we pay for but never consented to fund via unaccountable and malmanaged bureaucracies. Hell, no one has even attempted an cursory examination of The Swamp, let alone the kind of audit Musk’s crew is carrying out. These are truly historic days in the history of America.