Heartland’s Tim Benson is joined by Mark A. Noll, Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Notre Dame, to discuss his new book, America’s Book: The Rise and Decline of a Bible Civilization, 1794-1911. They chat about how the Bible decisively shaped American national history even as that history influenced the use of Scripture, and how a strongly Protestant Bible civilization was fractured by debates over slavery, contested by growing numbers of non-Protestants, and torn apart by the Civil War. They also talk about how the more religiously plural period from Reconstruction to the early 20th Century saw Scripture become a much more fragmented, though still significant, force in American culture.
Get the book here: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/americas-book-9780197623466?q=america%27s%20book&lang=en&cc=us
Show Notes:
Wall Street Journal: D.G. Hart – “‘America’s Book’ Review: The Word Out of Season”