• Health Care News

Physicians Urge Congress to Pull the COVID Shots

Published February 14, 2024

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) held a hearing on the injuries associated with the COVID-19 shots over the past three years, on January 12.

Johnson, and Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Warren Davidson (R-OH), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) discussed the systems, agencies, and individuals responsible for the flawed national response to COVID-19 and subsequent rollout of high-risk emergency use inoculations.

The two-hour session included testimony by Peter McCullough, M.D., an internist and cardiologist, Ryan Cole, M.D., a clinical pathologist, and Kirk Milhoan, M.D., a pediatric cardiologist.

The three expert witnesses called for the immediate removal of the COVID-19 shots from the market, citing dozens of studies, clinical experience, and international papers showing the danger and longevity of bioengineered mRNA in the human body.

FDA Suppressed Data

Three COVID-19 inoculations came on the market in 2021, though the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine was later discontinued due to a dangerous clotting response. The mRNA shots manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are still sold.

Scientists and health professionals requested more data on the mRNA vaccines from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2021 through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), citing concerns over a lack of transparency regarding the new biotechnology. The FDA requested nondisclosure of the Pfizer data for 75 years. A lawsuit forced compliance with the FOIA request in 2022, months after the vaccines were widely administered.

At the hearing, Biggs read from the now public list of more than 1,000 known side effects of the Pfizer shot, including acute kidney injury, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, central nervous system vasculitis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, epileptic psychosis, fetal distress syndrome, liver injury, low birth rate, myocarditis, pancreatitis, pneumonia, and stillbirth.

Major federal agencies continue to market and pay for the shots, citing “millions of lives saved.” The U.S. government invested at least $31.9 billion in the shots.

Big Pharma Sold Disease, Cure

In opening remarks, Greene criticized Members of Congress who shun the topic of shot injuries for fear of generating “vaccine hesitancy.”

“Given the overwhelming data, people should be hesitant about injecting unproven vaccines. …” said Greene. “Even though I’m not a doctor, I know that it’s unscientific to ignore the data. Some members of Congress are afraid to upset their friends in Big Pharma who sell the disease and then sell the cure…They don’t care how many Americans get hurt, they don’t care how many taxpayer dollars are spent. They just exploit, exploit, exploit.”

Administering a potentially lethal spike protein devised in a Chinese biosecurity lab to Americans is the most “dangerous proposition our government agencies could have ever put forward to our country,” McCullough testified. “…I never supported these vaccines. I never told a single patient that it was safe to take a vaccine. I didn’t take a COVID-19 vaccine myself because it wasn’t safe.”

‘Raising the Alarm’

Patients need more physicians like McCullough, says Jane Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

“I do not know why more physicians are not raising the alarm, but are even pushing the vaccine,” said Orient. “One possibility is that they have been thoroughly indoctrinated about the vaccination miracle. Or they are terrified of losing their job, their board certification, or even their license if they deviate from the official narrative. Or both.”

Contamination Concerns

Cole testified that the current situation is unprecedented.

“It used to be that we were a nation of the people, for the people, by the people,” said Cole. “Now we’re of the corporation, for the corporation, by the corporation. Countless Americans have been harmed because people have believed biased media, people have believed corrupt pharmaceutical narratives. Countless people in this nation are hurting and being ignored.”

Ecoli contamination, found in every tested vial of the mRNA vaccines, is reason enough to halt its use, Cole testified.

“These are contaminated products…every attorney general in this nation, if they have one ounce of honesty, one iota of responsibility to their citizens, should impound whatever is on the shelf of a pharmacy, send it to independent laboratories, have it tested, and it should be removed from the market post-haste,” said Cole.

 Immune System Impact

Another concern is the messenger RNA technology used in the shots to deliver the spike protein. Long-term effects are simply not known, the experts testified.

“The human body, to our knowledge, has no way of breaking down the messenger RNA and in my view, the COVID-19 vaccine program has complicated this because people have taken unprecedented numbers of shots,” said McCullough. “If one was to follow the U.S. government program right now, taking a shot every six months, with the primary series, they’d be approaching ten shots.”

Cole noted a two- to threefold increase in certain types of cancer since the vaccines were first administered, including some very aggressive melanomas in the cells of very young patients.

‘So Many Cases’

Kimberly Overton, B.S.N., R.N. who founded the Nurse Freedom Network after she left her position for refusing to push the shots at children, says the hearing confirmed her experience.

“I began seeing vaccine injuries early on in the rollout,” Overton said. “Paralysis, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, GI bleeds, all in populations we weren’t used to seeing them in. We started to see a rise in infections, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) in adults was unheard of prior to 2021. I had never seen so many cases of adult appendicitis and strep throat,” said Overton. “The mRNA injections are seemingly destroying immune systems.”

Ashley Bateman ([email protected]) writes from Virginia.