Research & Commentary: Utah’s Parent Choice in Education Act

Published March 1, 2007

Today, The Heartland Institute is releasing a Research & Commentary package addressing school choice, using Utah’s Parent Choice in Education Act as a case study.

The legislation provides Utah parents a voucher of up to $3,000 for each school-aged child for use at the school of their choice. This universal voucher program represents the most comprehensive voucher initiative enacted anywhere to date.

Inside this Research & Commentary package, you will learn:


  • How and why the Utah effort was successful;
  • Why it represents a revolutionary change for children’s education;
  • Why the Utah legislation could serve as a model for other efforts across the country; and
  • Ten key principles of school choice.


I encourage you to review the collected materials in this Research & Commentary. You can download the full document by clicking here.

Please contact me if you would like further information, or if I can assist you with expert commentary, testimony, or media matters. I can be reached at 312/377-4000, or by email to [email protected].