Formal co-sponsors of the project are the National Tax Limitation Committee and Foundation and The Heartland Institute, with supporting roles played by Americans for Tax Reform and the American Legislative Exchange Council. Deliberations for the project’s policy reports included valuable input from representatives of the Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Committee to Unleash Prosperity, National Center for Policy Analysis, Goodman Institute, Galen Institute, and other organizations.
This Introduction to the Roadmap for the 21st Century Project explains the project was deemed necessary because of America’s economic growth crisis: While long-term real economic growth of 4 percent is achievable, under the Keynesian economic policies adopted by President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats, economic growth has averaged less than 2 percent.
The Roadmap’s lead authors, Peter Ferrara and Lew Uhler, write:
Even Jimmy Carter produced four times as much economic growth during his one term as Obama did during his entire first term. As Jeffrey H. Anderson, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, pointed out in Investor’s Business Daily on January 13, 2013, real GDP growth during Obama’s first term was the worst of any president in the past 60 years! Indeed, Obama’s first-term real GDP growth was less than half as much as the worst of any president in the previous 60 years.
The remaining papers in the Roadmap for the 21st Century rigorously document all of the points made in this introduction, putting forward a complete pro-growth recovery agenda that would finally restore long overdue booming economic growth.