The Leaflet – Bullying Teachers

Published April 27, 2012

Teachers unions react badly to teachers who don’t fall in line behind them. The unions’ methods range from public shamings and labor complaints to coordinated pressure on administrators to fire or withhold promotion from dissenters.

Joy Pullmann, managing editor of School Reform News, compiled the evidence into a 10-page report titled “Bullying Teachers: How Teachers Unions Secretly Push Teachers and Competitors Around.” The Washington Examiner published an op-ed by Pullmann about the report titled “When bullies grow up, they can always run teachers unions.”

In the op-ed Pullmann highlights a few of many examples of this type of bullying. “In February, a Utah teacher named Cole Kelly testified in favor of a bill that would penalize school districts for not granting all teacher organizations – not just unions, but also other professional organizations – equal access to teachers. A week later, he was released from his position as athletic director, which for school districts is tantamount to firing. His principal admitted she approved of his job performance but had released him because of pressure.”

Joy goes on to point out that “other teachers texted Kelly to say they agreed with him but were afraid of being fired if they spoke out or left their union. He is contesting his release.”

Joy’s work shines a bright light on an issue that is often under reported. It is imperative that we have the best professionals possible teaching our children irrespective of their views on unionization in the work force. States should look at policies that allow all teachers associations equal access to privileges like payroll deductions, teacher in-services and orientation, and seats on committees.

This week’s edition of The Leaflet features research and commentary addressing a new report on the economic effect of EPA regulations in the states, the cost of Obamacare, and credit union member business lending.


John Nothdurft
Director – Government Relations
The Heartland Institute



Lead Story

Bullying Teachers

In routine tracking of education-related legislation, Joy Pullmann, managing editor of The Heartland Institute’s School Reform News, has uncovered evidence that teachers unions across the country routinely inhibit teachers from joining or speaking out about competing, nonunion teachers associations. In at least one case, this intimidation has resulted in a teacher losing his job. Most of the incidents are smaller. Taken alone, they’re isolated annoying incidents. Together, they form a pattern of repression and discrimination akin to the bullying among youngsters that state legislators around the nation have recently worked so hard to end. This merits similar concern.


What We’re Working On 

Research & Commentary: Credit Union Member Business Lending and Bill S. 2231
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate

The U.S. Senate is considering a bill that would lift—but not eliminate—the current cap on credit unions’ ability to lend to businesses. Credit unions have made business loans since they began in the United States during the nineteenth century, but since 1998 they have been limited to lending 12.5 percent of their assets to member businesses. The bill by Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) would raise the cap to 27.5 percent.

Supporters of the proposal say raising the cap on credit union member business loans would open up new avenues of credit to small business where traditional banks have been unwilling to invest.


Research & Commentary: Obamacare Costs Taxpayers $4 Trillion
Health Care

Legislative Specialist Kendall Antekeier discusses a report from the Joint Economic Committee that shows taxpayers will pay $4 trillion in taxes due to the federal health care law.

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) noted, “For all the hidden taxes, for all the exploding spending projections, for all the untold dollars and freedoms that will be lost under government-run health care, for all the unknown unknowns, the American people actually seem to know exactly what ObamaCare will always cost them: more.”

A PDF of the JEC report can be found here:


Is Obama this Century’s Hayes?

There are many ways to describe those who fear encroaching technology: Luddites, technophobes, and, incorrectly, President Rutherford B. Hayes. To Hayes is attributed technophobia so intense that he is alleged to have been oblivious to the value of having a telephone in the White House Oval Office.


ALEC Documents State-Specific Impacts of EPA Regulations
Energy and Environment

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) released a new report, “Economy Derailed: State-by-State Impacts of the EPA Regulatory Train Wreck”, which details how new EPA regulations are affecting development in the states. The study builds on a report issued last year by providing additional resources for state legislators, documenting greater opposition to EPA’s regulatory agenda, and providing place-based assessments of the economic impact on given states.



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Policy Newspaper


The April issue of FIRE Policy News reports on federal charges filed in late January against a “criminal club” of investors who made money trading on insider information. The charges have raised the issue of what, exactly, is insider trading and whether it should be a crime.



Quick Hits

Florida Citizens Plans Mother of All Cat Bonds

VIDEO: EPA Official Compares Agency Enforcement to Roman Crucifixions