With the fate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) still uncertain, there are steps state legislators can take to improve the cost and availability of health care in their states. Heartland Institute Senior Policy Analyst Matthew Glans outlines 10 such reforms in a new Research & Commentary published in January. Glans argues states should not wait for Congress and the White House to fix our nation’s health care policies; they should instead, Glans says, implement proposals to help make health care more competitive, accessible, and affordable.
One of the ways states can reform health care is by expanding access to health savings accounts (HSAs). Under an HSA system, consumers contribute funds to health-care-dedicated savings accounts tax-free and use the funds to pay for qualifying health care expenses. Under many HSA proposals, the funds carry over from year to year.
Julie Appleby, a senior correspondent for the nonprofit news service Kaiser Health News, said in a recent NPR.org article HSAs can save significant amounts of money because consumers bear a bigger share of medical care costs up front, which means they are more likely to shop around and avoid using unnecessary medical services.
As Appleby explains, under the current system, “HSAs … must be paired with qualifying health insurance plans that have annual deductibles of at least $1,300 for individuals or $2,600 for a family, although surveys show average deductibles are generally higher than those minimums. Unlike some other types of insurance, the consumer pays the full cost of most doctor visits, drugs or hospital stays until the deductible is met. There are some exceptions for services deemed preventive, such as certain vaccines, prescription medications or cancer screenings.”
Consumers who pair HSAs with high deductible plans have the potential to save thousands of dollars per year, making the health care system much more efficient in the process. Indiana has offered HSA plans to its public employees since 2006 with great success for both the employees and taxpayers.
Another way to improve the cost and availably of health care services in states is to roll back certificate of need (CON) laws. Glans argues in the Research & Commentary, “These laws block competition and innovation in the health care market. At present, 35 states require CON commission approval for a wide range of expenditures, including the construction of new hospitals, purchase of major pieces of medical technology, and the offering of new medical procedures. CON laws increase the cost of health care and limit access, benefitting those with political connections.”
States can also improve health care service availability by expanding direct primary care (DPC) access. Not to be confused with “concierge medicine,” DPC bypasses insurers and usually cost $50 to $100 per month. In a 2015 Research & Commentary, State Government Relations Manager Nathan Makla wrote, “Direct primary care empowers patients and doctors, giving them more freedom to establish and participate in health-care-provider models that work best for all patients. North Carolina should remove unnecessary regulatory barriers to direct primary care and allow more public-sector employees to participate in a DPC system.”
State legislators should pass legislation specifying DPC is not a form of insurance, removing a common barrier facing physicians interested in adopting a DPC model but afraid a state bureaucracy might shut down their new practice. Lawmakers should also integrate a direct primary care program into their Medicaid system, a move that would help reduce costs and improve care.
States can and should take health care reform into their own hands to improve the lives of citizens and shore up state budgets across the nation.
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