The Leaflet: In a Thriving Economy, Work Requirements Work

Published January 18, 2019

New research confirms that work requirements for food stamps do, in fact, work. The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) report finds that since Arkansas implemented work requirements for the state’s food stamp program in 2016, enrollment of non-pregnant, non-elderly, abled-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) dropped 70 percent within a year.  

In fact, ABAWDs who sought work instead of welfare increased their incomes126 percent on average within a year of leaving the food stamp program. The report features several inspirational stories of Arkansans who were able to make more than $40,000 within a year, more than double their county’s median earnings.   

Even better, all Arkansans, even those not on food stamps, have benefited from this reform. Taxpayers are experiencing estimated savings of $28 million per year since 2016, freeing up funds that can pay for high priority needs. The state’s tax revenue has also risen by more than $2.3 million because former recipients are paying more income and sales taxes. 

The food stamps program, officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), reached peak enrollment and cost during the Great Recession. In 2013, its worst year, more than 47 million Americans relied on Uncle Sam to purchase groceries at a public cost of nearly $80 billion.  

Under federal law, ABAWDs must work, train, or volunteer at least 20 hours per week to obtain benefits. These adults are supposed to be removed from food stamp rolls if they fail to meet the work requirements for more than three consecutive months. However, the Obama administration allowed states to waive the three-month limit, which allowed ABAWDs to receive benefits without work indefinitely. Over the past five yearsArkansas and 16 other states have removed these time limit waivers and/or implemented work requirements because of the thriving economy and a general distaste for government dependence.  

Similar to Arkansas, Kansas and Maine experienced declines in their SNAP enrollments after reinstating part-time work requirements for ABAWDs. Six months after the work requirements were implemented, Maine’s SNAP enrollment dropped from more than 16,000 to less than 3,000. Thousands of former enrollees entered the workforce, where they experienced a 114 percent rise in income. Within three months of implementation, nearly half of Kansas’ enrollees exited the program, gained employment, and experienced an average increase in their incomes of 127 percent. 

As the U.S. economy continues to expand and unemployment rates hit all-time lows, SNAP participation has trended down. State legislators should take advantage of the opportunity a rebounding economy provides. For instance, policymakers should allow SNAP time limit waivers to expire and institute other necessary reforms such as restricting purchases of junk foods, ending SNAP participation for stores that engage in food stamp fraud, and transforming SNAP from an entitlement program to a block-grant program. Inserting self-sufficiency, integrity, and community engagement into SNAP will ensure that only the most vulnerable Americans are given necessary resources, while not ensnaring them in a welfare-woven spider web. 


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