Budget & Tax
Research & Commentary: NC Film Incentives
A new Heartland Research & Commentary explains why North Carolina taxpayers are hurt by film tax incentive programs aimed at enticing motion picture production companies. Government Relations Coordinator Alex Monahan concludes, “Not only do these programs fail to bring in extra revenue as advertised, they do not even recoup their original costs.” Read More
Energy & Environment
Research & Commentary: Energy Poverty
This Research & Commentary explores energy poverty in the United States and around the world. Heartland Policy Analyst Taylor Smith concludes the lack of access to energy is “exacerbated when expensive sources of energy such as wind and solar are force-fed into the grid through policies like renewable portfolio standards, net metering, and the production tax credit.” Read More
Parents’ Concerns About Unsecured Student Data Grow
Without parental knowledge, students at many public schools are having personal data collected, stored, and distributed to third parties. Mary C. Tillotson, Watchdog.org education reporter and a contributor to the Heartlander digital magazine, discusses the concerns parents have about the effects data-mining on the future of their children. Read More
Health Care
Since implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), physician-owned hospitals have faced several major challenges. Physician-owned specialty hospitals are banned from participating in Medicare, even while other hospitals have faced problems caused by the arrival of new patients, the loss of doctors, and insufficient Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. In this Research & Commentary, Senior Policy Analyst Matthew Glans writes, “The success of physician-owned facilities demonstrates their model can deliver health care services of superior quality at lower prices compared to general hospitals.” Read More
Silicon Valley’s 6 Biggest Net Neutrality Fantasies Special Report
If Silicon Valley folks are indeed the smartest of the smart, how could they be so easily fooled on net neutrality? In thisHeartlander article, Policy Advisor Scott Cleland clarifies the six “fantasies” citizens of Silicon Valley are led to believe about net neutrality. He states, “Silicon Valley has been conned into thinking that pressuring the FCC to consider maximal regulation of a key part of the Internet ecosystem is safe to do, and also in their self-interest, when ultimately it is not.” Read More
From Our Free-Market Friends
Pension Reform Handbook: A Starter Guide for Reformers
Pension costs have more than doubled in a decade, while workforce sizes and government revenues have remained stable, leaving less money available for other services. In this new study, the Reason Foundation provides a guide to help policymakers implement fiscally sustainable pension reforms that are fair to both taxpayers and government workers. Read More