The Leaflet: Policy Booklet Aims to Educate Lawmakers on Benefits of E-Cigarettes

Published July 26, 2019

Over the past few years, several states and localities have introduced legislation to regulate, tax, and even prohibit the purchase of electronic cigarettes and vaping devices. Although much of the legislation is intended to curb the so-called “youth vaping epidemic,” many of the policies put forth severely limit the use of vaping devices for American adults, and, more importantly, current and former adult smokers.

The Heartland Institute has long advocated for the use of e-cigarettes, a tobacco harm reduction (THR) product that has helped an estimated three million Americans quit smoking since their introduction to the U.S. market in 2007. Unfortunately, far too many policymakers are unaware of the numerous benefits e-cigarettes can offer.

To counter the misguided fearmongering campaign against THR devices, Heartland has published a new policy booklet, Tobacco Harm Reduction 101: A Guidebook for Policymakers, to help lawmakers understand the tremendous health (and economic) advantages e-cigarettes provide.

Written by State Government Relations Manager Lindsey Stroud, host of Heartland’s Voices of Vapers podcast series, the booklet explores the nature of nicotine, a stimulant, which is highly addictive but not necessarily harmful. The booklet also analyzes all of the e-cigarette products currently available for consumers.

Stroud also compiles a comprehensive account of claims by public health advocates on the benefits of e-cigarettes. This includes the American Cancer Society’s June 2019 statement noting that e-cigarette use is “significantly less harmful” than combustible cigarettes.

To help policymakers, Tobacco Harm Reduction 101 examines current regulations and taxes on electronic cigarettes and vaping devices, including the negative effects of these policies. Additionally, the booklet addresses youth vaping and e-cigarette use, as well as industry efforts to help reduce youth e-cigarette use.

Finally, the booklet debunks several myths surrounding e-cigarettes, including false claims that e-cigarette vapor contains formaldehyde, causes popcorn lung, and that e-cigarette manufacturers target youth. 

The Heartland Institute has been on the forefront promoting the use of e-cigarettes as a viable THR tool. Unfortunately, alarmist propaganda is influencing policymakers into making bad polices that restrict adult access to THR products. Hopefully, Tobacco Harm Reduction 101: A Guidebook for Policymakers will help public officials to craft better policies related to electronic cigarettes and vaping devices.

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