The Leaflet: Republican Governors Consider Expanding Medicaid

Published September 11, 2014

Republican Governors Consider Expanding Medicaid

States across the country continue to debate whether to expand their Medicaid programs under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). To date, 10 Republican governors have supported expansion. Republican governors in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Utah are the latest to seek approval for their Medicaid expansion plans.

In April 2013, Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe and the Republican legislature passed the state’s “private-option” plan. The plan was promoted as a market-oriented approach, but free-market supporters said the expansion would result in many of the same problems as traditional Medicaid expansion, including large spending increases. According to a new Government Accountability Office report, Arkansas’ Medicaid expansion plan will cost taxpayers an extra $778 million over the next three years.

In a Research & CommentaryThe Heartland Institute’s senior policy analyst, Matthew Glans, writes, “Expanding Medicaid can have repercussions beyond state budgets and the health care industry. Increasing government spending has a direct effect on the economy, shifting dollars that would have been spent in the private economy into state programs. It is important to remember government spending creates little or no income or economic growth; it is merely the redistribution of tax dollars taken from the pockets of taxpayers.”

States should first demand real flexibility from the federal government so they are able to innovate their Medicaid systems. Barring that, states should not expand their Medicaid systems, because without flexibility from the federal government they will have very little ability to decrease costs and offer better care to patients served by Medicaid.

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